Retirement age of KV Teachers - Enhancement of retirement age was not agreed in JCM Meeting held on 18.10.2012
Retirement age of KV Teachers - Enhancement of retirement age was not agreed in JCM Meeting held on 18.10.2012
One of the major demand submitted by the associations of KV Employees to discuss in the JCM Meetings to enhance the retirement age at par with the retirement age of University teachers...
The point has been discussed in the JCM meeting which was held on 18th October 2012, after detailed deliberation on the matter from both sides the Chairperson decided that no parity can be held between the University Teachers and KV Teachers as well. Also it cannot be compared with other State Government teaching employees. Hence, the demand of association does not appear to be acceptable.
The matter discussed at length in the last JCM but was not agreed hence stands dropped.
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