The below information stated by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Railways Shri.K.H.Muniyappa in response to a written question in Lok Sabha.

The salient features of modified Tatkal Scheme which was introduced in August 2004 and revised from time to time are attached in Appendix. 

With a view to streamline booking of reserved tickets, the following steps have been taken:- 

i. The timings of opening of reservation of Tatkal tickets have been changed to 10.00 hours on the previous day of journey instead of 08.00 hours as per earlier provisions. 

ii. Preventive checks are conducted in association with Commercial Vigilance and Security Department in and around reservation offices as well as in trains against persons on travelling on transferred tickets. 

iii. Monitoring and surveillance of the working of reservation offices is undertaken by installing Close Circuit Televisions to curb the possible activities of touts. 

iv. Travelling Public are also educated about the consequences of buying tickets from touts through various media. 

v. Railway staff, if found indulging in malpractices in connivance with touts, are taken up under the Discipline and Appeal Rules. 

In order to make the catering service more effective, adequate steps have been initiated in the New Catering Policy, 2010 issued on 21st July, 2010. This policy has an inclusive approach wherein from the least advantaged passenger to the relatively affluent are provided catering services in a socially responsible manner with emphasis on provision of good quality and hygienic food at economic price. Jan-Ahar outlets have been set up for sale of Janta Meals and low cost affordable regional cuisines. Supervision and monitoring has been strengthened through an institutional mechanism put in place by the Zonal Railways by deploying Railway personnel, who check quality and hygiene and take corrective action in a time bound manner through regular, surprise and periodical inspections. Standard Bid Documents for award of catering contracts have been prepared by the Ministry by engaging professional agencies having domain knowledge and expertise wherein stringent eligibility criteria to ensure quality with detailed penalty clauses have been defined. The policy guidelines for Train Side Vending contracts have been issued for catering services in trains run without pantry car. Fixation of licence fee has been rationalized. Detailed instructions regarding waste management have been issued in order to maintain hygiene and cleanliness at all catering units. 

1) Tatkal booking opens at 10 AM on the previous day of journey excluding date of journey from the train originating station. 

2) The reservation under this scheme is available only up to the time of preparation of charts. 

3) The facility of change of name is not permitted on the bookings made under Tatkal scheme. 

4) No duplicate Tatkal tickets are issued except in exceptional cases on payment of full fare including Tatkal charges. 

5) The reservation under this scheme can be sought by full fare paying passengers only and no passenger holding concessional ticket is allowed to avail reservation under this scheme. 

6) Tatkal tickets are issued only on production of self-attested photocopy of one of the nine prescribed proofs of identity mentioned in the scheme and passenger should carry the same proof of identity(in original) during the journey failing which all the passengers booked on that ticket are considered as travelling without ticket and charged accordingly. 

7) No refund is granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets except under certain circumstances like non-attachment of coach, cancellation of train, as mentioned in the scheme. 

8) Tatkal charges have been fixed as a percentage of fare at the rate of 10% of basic fare for second class and 30% of basic fare for all other classes subject to minimum and maximum prescribed limits as given in the scheme. 

9) Tatkal tickets are issued for actual distance of travel, subject to the distance restriction applicable to the train. 

10) Agents / RTSAs have been restricted from the booking Tatkal tickets at the counters as well as through internet between 1000 hours and 1200 hours. 

11) It is possible to book a maximum of only four passengers per PNR for Tatkal tickets. 

12) The web services agents of IRCTC have been permitted to book only one Tatkal ticket per train per day on the internet. 

13) Powers for earmarking of Tatkal accommodation in different classes have been delegated to Zonal Railways who take a decision in this regard keeping in view the utilization pattern in that class during the previous financial year as well as availability of accommodation subject to maximum permissible limit prescribed in the scheme. 


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