Department of Personnel and Training has once again published some more clarifications on the Scheme of MACP as FAQ. 

This Department has already issued an clarification order recently and besides there were some more doubts on the scheme to implement to the employees of Central Government, these clarifications may be used to clear to give upgradation under the scheme.

We have reproduced the content of the order and given for your ready reference here.

Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment D Section
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on 
Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS)

Doubts Clarification
Whether the benefits of ACPS would be allowed in respect of isolated cases due between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 where the pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500 have been merged into single grade pay of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.2006?

Yes. Since the pre-revised Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 & Rs.7450-11500 (isolated cases) have been merged into single grade pay of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.2006, the benefits of 1st and 2nd financial upgradations under the ACPS should be considered/allowed in the grade pays of Rs.4600 and Rs.4800 in PB-2, as the case may be, due between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 in respect of isolated cases in terms of para 5 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009.

In a hypothetical situation cadre hierarchy was as follows:
Rs.5000-8000 (revised GP 4200)
Rs.5500-9000 (revised GP 4200)
Rs.6500-10500 (revised GP 4600)
Rs.7450-11500 (revised GP 4600)
Rs.10000-15200 (revised GP 6600)

(i) What would be the 1 st financial upgradation under the ACPS for a Government employee recruited in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5000- 8000, who has completed his 12 years of regular service on 12.04.2007 (between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008);

(ii) What would be 2nd financial upgradation for employee recruited in 5000-8000, who has completed 24 years of regular service on 12.04.2007 (between 1.1.2006 and 31.8.2008)
In terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.3 issued vide DOPT's O.M. No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 9.9.2010, the benefits of ACPS would be applicable in the new pay structure adopted w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in the promotional hierarchy.

(i): Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4200, 1st financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pays of Rs.4600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000.

Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.6500- 10500 & Rs.7450-11500 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4600, 2nd financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pay of Rs.6600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms (after framing of RRs post merger) as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000.

(iii) If a Government servant recruited in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.5000-8000 has been promoted in the promotional hierarchy in the pre- revised pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 prior to 1.1.2006 (and he has put in 14 years of regular service) then would there be any claim for financial upgradation under ACPS.
(iii): The pre-revised pay scales Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pays of Rs.4200 w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Hence, the promotion would be ignored as he has completed his 12 years of regular service and the benefit of 1 st ACP would accordingly be allowed in the promotional hierarchy i.e. in the grade pay of Rs.4600 w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
(iv) If the above Government servant had put in 22 years as on 31.08.2008, then what would be the entitlement in MACP <
(iv): As given above, the 1 st ACP would be in PB-2 grade pay of Rs.4600 after ignoring the previous promotion. Thereafter, since employee has completed more than 20 years of regular service on 01.09.2008, he would be entitled for 2nd financial upgradation under the MACPS in the immediate next higher grade pay of Rs.4800 in PB-2 subject to fulfillment of condition as stipulated in para 17 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009.


K.Vij said…
Does it mean benefit of ACPS w.e.f. 01.01.2006 with fixation of pay in the next higher grade from this date, if two scales involving benefit of ACPS prior to 01.01.2006 got merged? If the ACP was given from Rs 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 from 1999 and then actual promotion say in 2003, and the next scale in sanctioned hierarchy of department is 10000-15200,would it mean fixation of pay with grade pay of Rs 6600 in PB-3 w.e.f. 01.01.2006? Will someone kindly confirm withi authentic position?

Anonymous said…
my junior who were awaiting promotion due to non-existance of vacancies were granted higher grade pay of Rs 5400/-due to implementation of MACP scheme.whereas i being senior has been victimized by granting higher pay to my juniors. Kindly clarify whether MACPs scheme would justify granting higher pay to the juniors victimizing morally and demotivating seniors in comparison with juniors
Unknown said…
The Grade Pay admissible in MACP in the merged scale is regulated differently depending upon when the actual promotion/ACP /MACP was due. The cases may be divided into three classes as follows:-
1. Prior to 01.01.2006
2. from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008
3. from 0.9.2008 onwards
Prior to 01.01.2006
Promotion /ACP from Rs.5000—8000 to Rs.5500—9000/- Should be considered as no promotion /ACP. Since the two scale has been merged the Government servant who was holding the scale of Pay Rs.5000-8000/- and later on Rs.5500-9000/- is deemed to have held the Scale Rs.5500-9000 in the entire period and the Scale of Rs.5000-8000/- deemed as non existent. The actual pre revised Basic pay as on 1.1.2006 will be taken into account for fixation of pay in the revised scale without any thinking that his pay is more due to the promotion from the Scale of Rs.5000-8000/- to Rs.5500-9000/-. He will be granted GP Rs.4600/-
Promotion/ACP from 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008
The Government Servant may opt for promotion and fixation of his pay from the actual date of promotion/ACP or from the date of next increment. In that case he will get revised pay and arrear from that date in the revised pay structure. He will get GP Rs.4600/- on promotion/ACP.
Promotion/ACP from 1.9.2008
If the Recruitment Rules of the post Rs.5500—9000/- have not been revised due to merger of scale and the two posts which had the Scale of Pay Rs.5000-8000/- and Rs.5500-9000/- still remains i.e, Say Investigator(5000-8000) and HPO(5500-9000/- the later is the promotional post of the former the, as per Rule 8 of MACP this is a case of promotion to the same grade pay i.e. promotion from the GP Rs.4200/- to GP Rs.4200/-. The government servant will get 3% fixation benefit only with the same GP.
The cases of Rs 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 are to be settled on the above line .
In the instant case under reference the Government will be entitled to the Grade Pay Rs.6600/- from 1.1.2006
Unknown said…
I was enrolled in BSF on 31th march 1990 as a NK (Naik) and then promoted to the rank of HC (Head constable) on 14-09-1992. After completion of 14 year regular service in the elite force i was detailed to undergo the pre-promotion cadre for the promotion of SI (Sub-Inspector) as per my GD seniority and i passed the cadre. After qualifying PPC list D i appeared in DPC on 11-10-2004 but my result was not declared due to lack of service condition i.e. 18 years service in BSF as prescribed in RRs 2002.
I was promoted to the rank of SI (Sub-Inspector) WEF 19-06-2009 and MACP was granted to me WEF 2008.
I would like to know whether i would be entitled to get ACP scheme WEF 2002 or otherwise.
GOPI CHAND, US (Retd) said…
If a central government employees (CGE) who is appointed on 12.04.1983 in the pay scale of Rs.5,000 – 8,000, completing 24 years of service on 12.04.2007 and is allowed 2nd ACP in the grade pay of Rs. 6,600/- {as per the example/clarification No. 27 (ii) in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on MACPS issued by the DoPT on 28th August 2012, thus making him/her eligible to get 3rd MACPS, on completing 30 years service, to the grade pay of Rs. 7,600/- because there is no other grade pay in between Rs. 6,600/- & Rs. 7,600/-. Then why not a CGE who was appointed in the pay scale of Rs.5,500 – 9,000/- and got 2nd ACP, on completing 24 years service prior to 01.09.2008, in the grade pay of Rs. 6,600/- is not given/allowed to get 3rd MACPS, on completing 30 years of service to the grade pay of Rs. 7,600/-

I am a direct recruit Assistant since June 29, 1974. I was promoted as Section Officer in 1991. After completion of 24 years of service I was granted 2nd ACP in the pay scale of Rs.10,000-Rs.15,600 (Now PB-3 with a grade pay of Rs.6,600/-) with effect from 9.8.1999. I did not derive any benefit (notional or actual) from NFS which was introduced with effect from 03.10.2003, in which SOs with 4 years of service got pay scale of Rs.8,000-Rs.13,500. Hence, NFS is not applicable to me as I was drawing a higher pay (Rs.10,000/-) in a higher pay scale (Rs.10,000-Rs.15,600) from an earlier date (9.8.1999). Please confirm that I am eligible for 3rd MACP, effective from 01.09.2008, in the PB-3 of Rs.15,600-Rs.39,100 with a grade pay of Rs.7,600/- in terms of DOPT’s circular No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated 9.9.2010. Kindly clarify/reply early. Thanks,
Unknown said…
My date of increment is 05 January. During the verification/fixation of my pay by the IAP Gujarat i.e. just after implementation of 6th pay commission my pay was fixed based on 01-01-06.

Now DOPT has issued some guide line regarding step up of pay for those pers whose date of increment falls from February to June but the guide line/clarification for those pers whose date of increment falls from 02 January to 31 January is not clarified.

My question is that whether the facilities/ opportunity for step up the pay may be given to the pers whose date of increment falls from 02 TO 31 January or otherwise.

As my department is not ready to give me such opportunity.

Please issue the guide line so that my Head clerk could be understand the matter and accordingly go for step up my pay.
K.Vij said…
Kindly solve my problem.
a) I was appointed to group B post of Assistant in the Cabinet Secretariat in the then pay scale of Rs 425-800 w.e.f.29.07.1975 on direct recruitment basis.
b)I was appointed as Section Officer/ Asstt. Reg. Director in ESI Corporation under Ministry of Labour through UPSC in October 1983 in the then pay scale of Rs 650-1200. I had retained my lien for two years and was then confirmed to this post in October 1985.
c)I rejoined Central Government servic under Ministry of Urban Development in May, 1986 in the equivalent scale to a Group B gazetted post, which was revised to Rs 2000-3500. The next higher post in the sanctioned hierarchy of this organisation is in the scale of Rs 10000-15200 but an order was issued in May 2002 for my transfer on promotion to another Group B gazetted post in the scale of 7450-11500 in another organisation under the same Ministry even when there is no notification of RRs for this arrangement.I had to join that post and thereafter an order for benefit of ACPS from Rs 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 w.e.f. 09.08.1999 was issued.
d)Though I was to superannuate in January 2013, I took voluntary retirement from this post in June 2006 after over 31 years of regular and service .Subsequently, on acceptance of sixth pay commission report, I was paid arrears after placing me in the grade pay of Rs 4600/-
I understand that all these posts are now with a grade pay of Rs 4600. Shri Shailen Karmakar said on 30th August that benefit of grade pay of Rs 6600/- accrues from 01.01.2006. May I request for an expert review on the basis of the complete details to educate me as to on what lines I should proceed further to obtain my due benefits
Unknown said…
Before any comment is offered some points are required to be understood. These are:
1. From your letter it appears that you were appointed as Section Officer, ESI Corporation was on foreign service (deputation to Corporation, Autonomous body etc) in October, 1983 and finally absorbed in that organization in October, 1985.You snapped ties with you with your earlier organization or say Central Government. The point whether you were finally absorbed in the ESI is very important for calculation of your entitlement of ACP.
2. You rejoined Central Government Service under the Ministry of UD in May, 1986. You have not told whether it was a new direct appointment or not. If it was a direct appointment then your service would be counted from this point disregarding the earlier service. If so, you would be entitled to 1st ACP on completion of 12 years from May,1986 ie 5/1998( effective from 09.08.1999). Since you were very much in service in the UD on 09.08.1999 you should have claimed your 1 ACP with all your might in the next hierarchial post ,which as per your statement was Rs.10,000-15,200/-, effective from 09.08.1999. The reason for which you were transferred to other post (Rs.7450-11500/-) without notification of Recruitment Rules and you accepted the promotion has not been clarified by you. It appears that you have suppressed many vital information regarding the terms and conditions of your appointment, cadre, and hierachial post in that cadre. It may be mentioned that all the terms and conditions which was required for actual promotion to the grade Rs.10000-15200/- should have been fulfilled by you. Since the post Rs.10000-15200/- was not the lowest class 1 post , you should have possessed the Confidential Report as “very good “and not “good.” Please confirm.
3. Since you took VRS in June, 2006 the MACP Rules are not applicable to you.
Unknown said…
To Mr. Balwant Dangwal
From 11/1973 onwards, as per Government’s order, increment falling due on any day of a month should be granted from the 1st of that month. In your case your date of increment was 05.01.2006 instead of 01.01.2006. This can be happened if you were on leave . Even if you were on leave upto 04.01.2006, in that case also your increment should have been sanctioned w.e.f. 01.01.2006 but the monetary benefit would accrue from the date you joined duty i.e. 05.01.2006.
In your letter you have not mentioned whether your pay was fixed taking into account the pre-revised pay of 01.01.2005 or the pay of 01.01.2006 allowing the increment on 01.01.2006 although , I suppose, you were on leave upto 04.01.2006.
As per the Revised Pay Rules 2008 the fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Structure would be fixed on 01.01.2006 taking the notional pay of 01.01.2006 ignoring the effect of leave .
As such you are not entitled to an additional increment as on 01.01.2006. You may insist that your pay should be fixed on 01.01.2006 taking into account of pre-revised basic pay after adding your normal annual increment fallen due on 01.01.2006.Take the support of Revised Pay Rules, 2008.
Unknown said…
To Mr. Balwant Dangwal
From your letter it appears that the hierarchy of your cadre was Naik~~Head Constable~~Sub-Inspector ~~and so on.
You completed 12 years service on 31.03.2002.Before the completion of 12 years service you got actual promotion to the next cadre post of Head Constable on 14.09.1992. Hence you were not entitled to 1st ACP. As per Para No. 5.1 of Annexure-II of ACP Rules(DOPT OM No. 35034/1/97-Estt(D) dated 9.8.1999 an employee who has already got one regular promotion, he shall qualify for the second financial up-gradation only on completion of 24 years of regular service.
Before you were eligible for 2nd MACP on 31.03.2010 i.e. on completion of 20 years of qualifying service you got promotion to the next hierarchial post of Sub-Inspector on 19.06.2009. You have exhausted the chance of any ACP/upto 2ND MACP. The basis on which you were given MACP on ..2008 is not clear. However you will be entitled to 3rd MACP on 31.03.2020 on completion of 30 years of QS provided if you donot get any promotion by that time.
K.Vij said…
Thank you Mr Shailen Karmakar.In fact,having completed over 30 years of service prior to taking voluntary retirement, was looking forward to some DOPT orders for benefit of ACP/MACP for those who retired/expired between 01.01.2006 & 30.08.2008, as assured by them. However,their clarifications dated 28.08.2012 above made me feel that the benefit of grade pay of Rs 6600 may be already obtainable from 01.01.2006. On your confirmation of the same,I went ahead for possible additional benefit in this case involving different scales which stand merged w.e.f. 01.01.2006 when I was in position.. However,I had consciously not furnished details more related to promotions which should have legitimately come my way being seniormost regular departmental officer, because they are long drawn. I may say here that that I had rejoined govt service through UPSC and was appointed in a department which had sanctioned hierarchy in the descending order in the scales of Rs 12000-16500 (HOD), two Group A posts in the scale of 10000-15200; five Group B gazetted posts in the scale of 6500-10500 followed by supporting staff. There is no question of supression of any vital information as no expert review would be eventually beneficial, if details given are different from official records. Sadly, there had been a consistent and successful attempt by the Ministry functionaries to fill up the post of HOD on deputation from a particular department in a row, not allowing notified 5 years of service in 10000-15200 for promotion, by keeping both the posts in the feeder grade vacant since 1988 till date on pretext of revising RRs or post going into deemed abolition. The might of Ministry handled by corrupt,indifference of highers, and absence of any organised Association etc led to issuing notifications different from approved schedule and keep on posting officers from 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 outside the department on the basis of self created conjectures and some outdated RRs of 1963 notified a decade before this new department came into being which have never been amended once.As for queries of Shri Shailen, the following is furnished
a)my shift to Central Government service was through UPSC on direct recruitment basis.My entire past service was counted then and for pension.Moreover, the DOPT orders since 1999 clearly state that service rendered on deputation/foreign service will count for ACP/MACP and only such service rendered prior to the entry grade in Central government will not be counted;
b)I have blemishless service and the Ministry had given an undertaking in July 2000 that pending my regular promotion to next higher departmental post in the scale of RS 10000-15200, the benefit of ACPS for it was already due and would be processed expeditiously. It is another matter that I had to join under protest due to threatened legal action and then ACP order issued in August 2002 for 7450-11500 w.e.f. 09.08.1999, ignoring undertaking of July 2000.Moreover, the Dopt orders lay down "good" CRs upto grade pay of Rs 6600 and only completion of 12 years of regular service as sufficient for fulfilling eligibility condition (orders of 2004). As known, the benefit of ACPS is strictly confined to defined hierarchy of a single organisation and no official document like DOPT organisational chart, pay commission reports and Annual Reports of the Ministry make any mention of existence or availability of Rs 7450-11500 scale in the department where I had joined in 1986.By fraud in administration,I have been denied due promotions to scales of Rs 10000-15200 from 1994, then to Rs 12000-16500 from 1999, even ACPS which is equally applicable to departments.
Anonymous said…
What about the Grade pay of RS.2000/.
Unknown said…
I offer my sincere thanks to Mr shailen karmakar.

In this connection the following points are submitted for your better understanding of my case:-

a) During the 5th pay commission my date of increment was 14 September based on the senior junior check list, same was upgraded/shifted from September to Jan 05 i.e. 09 month prior.
b) Just after implementation of 6th pay commission the IAP Gujarat has fixed my pay based on 01-01-2006 whereas in the same month my increment was due but same was not taken into account.
c) Now the commission/DOPT has clarified the matter regarding step up of pay of those personnel whose date of increment falls from February to June.
d) No increment has been sanctioned to me after 01-01-2005 and same was sanctioned to me on 01 july 2006.
e) Please clarify the matter if any letter/guide line has been issued by DOPT may also be intimated.
I was enrolled in BSF on 10 April 1986 as a Constable(GD) and then voluntary retired on 30-09-2006 as Constable (GD) after completion of 21 years service. I had never got ACP during my service. Please tell me if I am eligible for any kind of ACP or otherwise.
JOSHI said…
"27 (i): Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.5000-8000 & Rs.5500-9000 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4200, 1st financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pays of Rs.4600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000.

ii Since the pre-revised pay scales Rs.6500- 10500 & Rs.7450-11500 have been merged and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4600, 2nd financial upgradation would be allowed in the grade pay of Rs.6600, subject to fulfillment of promotional norms (after framing of RRs post merger) as stipulated in condition no.6 of Annexure-I ACPS dated 9.8.1999, in terms of clarification given on point of doubt no.1 of ACPS dated 10.02.2000."


Whether on the analogy of the above FAQ reply, the erstwhile Group D employees who have been placed in PB-1, GP 1800,will be eligible for 2nd ACP, due between 1.1.06 and 31.8.08, in the post of UDC.
K.Vij said…
The position as projected in para ii under Mr. Joshi said, is not clear. 2nd financial upgradation would have been anyways granted to grade pay of Rs 6600/- even if the lower two scales had not been merged from 01.01.2006. What needs to be clearly brought out is the impact of merger of Rs 6500-10500 & Rs 7450-11500 on the 1st upgradation by ignoring upgradation between these two scales which had been granted prior to 01.01.2006 as also the date from which effective
Janardan Singh said…
Sir, I was appointed in Ministry of Defence (DGQA)as C/M II on 24 Aug 1983 and got Ist ACP/Promotion prior to 01/1/06 in the pay scale of 5500-9000 and again promoted in the pre-revised scale 6500-10500 (GP 4600)on 28/2/07.As per clarifications issued by DOPT "As FAG on MACP scheme" posted in web site on 28 Aug 2012, My service position comes under doubt given at point No. 27 (ii) & (iii). As per the clarification, I am eligible for I ACP w.e.f. 01/01/06 (GP 4600)& II ACP w.e.f 24/8/07 (GP 6600) because I am completing 24 years of regular service (between 01.1.06 & 31.8.08). Please clarify whether II ACP (GP 6600)is applicable to me ?. In my deptt., in between two more posts corresponding to pre-revised scale 7500-12000 and 8000-13500 are also available. Recruitment rules post merger also revised and Gazette notification published.I have been given II MACP w.e.f. 01/9/08 (GP 4800)after completion of 25 years regular service.Kindly clarify the same so that matter can be taken up with deptt. for implementation please.
Unknown said…
i was granted pay scale Rs 5000-8000 at the time of 1st acp. I completed 20 yrs in april 2005. pl reply me that what grade pay will be granted to me at the time of fixation on 01-01-2006
Unknown said…
Mr. Thakur,
Your Grade Pay w.e.f 01.01.2006 would be Rs.4200/-
--S.KARMAKAR--Kolkata, dt.18.12.2012
Unknown said…
Mr. Janardan Singh:
You have not mentioned the scale of pay which you held prior to your 1stACP.This information is very vital to decide whether you were entitled to the Grade Pay Rs.4600/- or not w.e.f. 01.01.2006. If you held the Scale of Pay Rs.5000-8000/- then you were entitled to the GP Rs.4600/- w.e.f. 01.01.2006. If you held any Scale of Pay below Rs.5000-8000/- say Rs.4500-7000/- or Rs.4000-6000/- etc then you were not entitled to the GP Rs.4600/- w.e.f.01.01.2006 but Rs.4200/-.
Since in your cadre there were posts carrying the Scale of Pay Rs.6500-10500/- and Rs.7500-12000/- and Rs.8000-13000/- You would get the 2nd ACP in the Grade Pay Rs.4600/-(attached to the Pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.6500-10500/-) on completion of 24 years of service on 24.08.2007 You will be entitled to 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service to the Grade Pay Rs.4800/-. The Frequently asked question No. and the clarification referred to by you is not applicable to you because of the existing structure of your Cadre. Since your cadre has been Revised after post merger of scale the ACP and the MACP will be decided according to the revised cadre structure. If your 2nd ACP has been revised to 2nd MACP and you have been given the Grade Pay Rs.4800/- you are on the advantageous position.
------------yours Shailen Karmakar---
Janardan Singh said…
I offer my sincere thanks to mr Shailen Karmakar.
I am giving some more information :-
I was appointed on 24/8/1983 in pre-revised scale of 5000-8000. I got Ist ACP in 1999 & subsequently promoted in the same scale (5500-9000) in 2002. Due to merger of above pay scale, it is clear that I am eligible for Ist ACP (GP 4600) w.e.f. 01/01/06 and IInd ACP (GP 4800) w.e.f. 24/08/07 (After completion of 24 years) as per exiting cadre of my deptt. On opting the pay fixation, I may draw the pay from 01/01/06 to 24/8/07 as per old scale (5th CPC). Since scale 6500-10500 & 7450-11500 are merged & placed in new pay scale of 9300-34800 with GP 4600, please clarify whether my pay will be fixed w.e.f. 01/01/06 in scale of 6500-10500 or 7450-11500, as no post (cadre) corresponding to scale 6500-10500 is exiting in my deptt. w.e.f. 01/01/06.
-- Janardan singh
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,
My initial appointment in Central Govt. Service as a UDC (4000-6000) in April,1967 and promoted as Tech. Asstt.(5000-8000) in Jan.1990.Further promoted as Senior Tech. Asstt. (5500-9000) in May,1993 & retired in the said post on 31/01/2006(A/N) .The post of Tech.Asst. has already been abolished by GOI. As per 6CPC, the pay scale of Tech.Asstt. & Sr.Tech.Asstt. (5000-8000 & 5500-9000 ) have been merged and placed in PB-2 (9300-34800 with GP of Rs.4200/-) w.e.f. 01-01-2006. Therefore, whether eligible for benefit of 1st ACP in the promotional hierarchy in the Pay Scale of 9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4600/- w.e.f. 01-01-2006.
kindly clarify the position
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,
I wish to clarify the details for my question submitted on 15-02-2013 as follows:-
My initial appointment in Central Govt. Service as a UDC (4000-6000) in April,1967 and promoted as Tech. Asstt.(4500-7000) in Jan.1990 and Senior Tech. Asstt. (5500-9000) in May, 1993. I was remained in the said post of Sr.Tech.Asstt. (9300-34800 +GP 4200/-) for period of more than 12 years till my retirement on 31/01/2006(A/N) .The cadre of Tech.Asstt. Was abolished by GOI sometime in the year 2000-2002. Since the benefits of up gradation under ACP Scheme (ACPS) are to be allowed in the existing hierarchy w.e.f.01-01-2006, please clarify the following points:-
Whether I am eligible for 1st financial up gradation under the ACPS in the pay scale of 9300-34800+ GP 4600/- w.e.f. 01-01-2006 on the following circumstances?

(1) In view of the fact that the promotional post hierarchy i.e. Tech.Asstt. (4500-700) did not exist on 01-01-2006.
(2) Remained in the pay scale of 9300-34800 +GP 4200 (Revised) for more than 12 years before Retirement on 31-01-2006.
Kindly clarify the position

Unknown said…
Dear Mr. Anonymous??
Reference:your comments appeared in CGEN on 10.2.2013 and 13.2.2013.
Kindly make 100% sure that the cadre Tech.Asstt(Rs.5000-8000) was abolished from the entire organization and not that the said post (not cadre) from your office only. The abolition of cadre and abolition of post from a particular office is quite different. Please also state what is the next post of Sr. Tech. Asstt. available on or after 1.1.2006 and what is the Grade Pay of that Post. If the cadre Tech. Asstt. was abolished and the next promotional post of Sr. Tech has the grade Pay Rs.4600/- then you would get 2nd financial upgradation under the ACP scheme. If the next post has the same Grade Pay You would get 2nd ACP in the same Grade Pay with 3% monetary benefit in pursuance of MOF OM No. 10/02/2011-E.III/A dated 07.01.2013.
-------------Shailen Karmakar, Kolkata , dt.13.02.2013
bhuvi said…
kndly explain me the recent MACP rule. I am posted recently in pay band 9300-34800 with pay grade 4600. What will be my possible ACPs? can i go beyoung 4800 grade pay by MACP in 20 years?
Rashmi said…
I was appointed as make-up assistant in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 and completed 12 years of regular service on 19-06-2008. Accordingly I have been given 1st financial up-gradation in the pre revised scale of Rs.5500- 9000. My pay has been fixed in the Grade pay of Rs. 4200.

As para-5 of Annexure-1 of DOPT O.M.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated-19-05-2009 the pay scale of Rs. 5000- 8000, Rs.5500-Rs.9000 and Rs.6500- Rs.10500 has been merged. As per DOPT O.M.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated-19-05-2009 1st MACP has been allowed in Grade pay of RS.4600 w.e.f. 01-09-2008.What will be my grade pay?
Unknown said…

I am working as a LDC in Central Govt. organization from December, 2002. My organization is autonomous body, under administrative control of the UGC, Ministry of HRD. My 10 year service is completed in December 1012. My qualification is 10th class and Typewriting Higher. As per MACP Scheme I am eligible for 1st up-gradation. But authority of my organization deny for my up-gradation. On enquiry authority has informed that intermediate/10+2 qualifications required for up gradation. As per my knowledge, norms are required to be fulfilled while granting the benefits under MACP Scheme are the financial up-gradation would be on non-functional basis subject to fitness in the hierarchy of pay band and grade pay within PB- 1. Please let me know that as per my qualification and 10 years continuous regular service in same cadre (i.e. LDC) I am eligible for
up-gradation under MACP Scheme.
R. Lakshmi
A Mehrotra said…
I want to know that if some one is given first promotion in Year 2002 but later he has been promoted notionally wef 1999 and continue in the same grade pay/post for more than year. When he will get MACP in year 2009 or 2012?
Unknown said…
I was working as SSE/Works in railways in pay band 9300-34800 gp 4600 and MACP was given in the month of october 2008 and gp 4800 given to me . I was promoted in group B in civil engineering dept of Northern Railway on 27.10.2008.What will be my pay on promotion in gp B on 27.10.2008. Now pb-3 ie 15600-39100 gp 5400 given to me on 01.7.2012.
Kindly let me know my pay in this stage.
Unknown said…
Sir I a Am Recruit O.F.Organision As a Labour On (22/may/1980)after Semiskilled On (19/oct/1982)AfterSkilled On(21/July/1986)Then19yrs No Any Promotion But 2nd ACP Given me ( 4000)But My Basic Alredy (4200)That Time. And After My promotion on 1/May/2005 Highskilled.Then 1/1/2006.GrPay 2400 New Macp Skim This is Guinion Or Not Please Shoe Me. Thank You.
Unknown said…

I was drawing 5500-9000 grade before 1.1.2006 as ad hoc PA. On 1.1.2006 my pay was fixed 4600 GP and granted Annual Increment on 1.7.2006. I got second MACP RS.4800 GP in 2010 Jan. I was transferred to other ministry on regular promotion as PA in 2012. In new ministry Now in the month of March 2015 my pay is re-fixed with a person who got MACP Rs. 4600 GP on 1.7.2006 with the result I am looser of one increment by reducing my pay. and asked to deposit the arrears of amount of equivalent to one increment from 1.1.2006 to till date approx. 9 years Is it correct. Or should it be brought to the notice DopT.
Unknown said…
1.What will be fixation of an employee who got two macp i.e. only next grade pay under 6 cpc but after implementation of 7 cpc macp is to be given in promotional hierarchy .Is it mean that his pay is to be fixed from retroeffect notionally by giving scale/grade pay of next hierarchy of cadre and then on 1.01.16 considering that notional pay.
2. What about option for annual increment for the employee who was appointed from 2 jan to 1 july . My increment should be shifted from July to Jan i.e. Increment granted on july 16 is to be given on 1.01.16 ?

Yogendra Singh , Delhi Jal Board
Unknown said…
I appointed as LDC in scale 260-400 on 4.3.1983 thereafter promoted as UDC in scale 330-560 against 13.1/3% graduaye quota. I got 2nd ACP 1.10.1999 in scale 9300-34800 +GP 4200 nd 3rd MACP in scale 9300-34800 + GP 4600 on 1.10.2007 please make your expert comments weather above concept is correct or otherwise ?

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