Composition of 7th Central Pay Commission - PM has approved the composition of 7th CPC under the Chairmanship of Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur...

Composition of 7th Central Pay Commission - PM has approved the composition of 7th CPC under the Chairmanship of Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur...

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Finance

04-February-2014 13:27 IST

Prime Minister Approves Composition of 7th Central Pay Commission Under the Chairmanship of Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, Retired Judge of the Supreme Court and Retired Chairman, Armed Forces Tribunal

The Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram has issued the following statement:

“The Prime Minister has approved the composition of the 7th Central Pay Commission as follows:

1. Shri Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur
(Retired Judge of the Supreme Court and Retired Chairman,
Armed Forces Tribunal)
2. Shri Vivek Rae
(Secretary, Petroleum & Natural Gas)
(Full Time)
3. Dr. Rathin Roy
(Director, NIPFP)
(Part Time)
4. Smt. Meena Agarwal
(OSD, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance)”

Source: PIB News

Click to view the Finance Ministry Order on Terms of Reference of 7th CPC


J P Yadav said…
In the 7th CPC there is no any member included from the group 'C' & 'B' employees. There would be again monopoly to increase pay scale of group 'A' officers.............
Anonymous said…
Very Glad to here the News, Congrat's to Hon'ble PM & FM. Sir Kindly I request the Qualified employees should get higher pay/Grade then the low qualified employees, Please do the needful sir.
B K Jha said…
At last govt.decided to constitute 7th cpc.Let see when the report will be submitted.
Anonymous said…
A good end By congress govt.
shashi said…
Sir, It is to glad to hear for consequent 7th pay commission.

But the government again seat a high educated person for hike of payment for group A officers

please make and take needful action for group b and c employees
Shatrughan Kumar Yadav said…
Again, the 7CPC will give a same multiplying factor for all Group A, B, C and D employee which will again increase the gap of salary among them.
Anonymous said…
thanx to the government to constitute the 7th pay commission and i am worry about group b and c employees that they will also get the hike at per with the group a officers.
Unknown said…
Finally the grace of PM to constitute the 7th CPC. But no representation will stand for Lower category Staffs, Hope the things will be considered uniformly to keep an economical balance among staffs. Also hope that the committee will think over additional financial support to those who are working for the nation against the nature & leads unsecured life while on duty such as staffs pertaining to work with the running of trains.
Anonymous said…
may this not be yet another gap widening process between lower and higher grade employees?
Anonymous said…
Kindly do not ignore stenographers in 7th cpc, because 6 cpc issues not settled till date.
Unknown said…
Technical persons should be paid higher salary than others in the same grade pay
Anonymous said…
The ratio between the highest salary and lowest salary shouls limit to 5 or even less.
Unknown said…
In 7th cpc chief pharmacists should be given grade pay at per grup B employees and they should designated as chief pharmacy officers.
Naveen Kumar said…
Respected Sir
the Asst Engineer(QA) & JE (QA) cadre of DGQA dept, which is back bone of organisation.
Please think about this cadre in 7th CPC.
Unknown said…
Magesh, Chennai
Tr.Allow @ double rate is in existence for PH employees. 7th CPC may pl consider recommending some sort of Tr.Allow even after retirement for PH employees.
Anonymous said…
Until and unless sixth pay commission anomolies are solved there is no point in going for seventh pay commission. Because clerical category has gone down to earth, there is no place to go still down In the 7th CPC there is no any member included from the group 'C' . There would be again monopoly to increase pay scale of group 'A' officers......
Anonymous said…
Combination of members must be all group level officers/ Subordinates i.e Class A, Group B, Group C, Group D then only democracy will be in good progress otherwise only highly educated officers benefit only which is not favorable to country
Unknown said…
Kindly justify Pay revision of Draughtsman cadre in Military Engineer Services with Central Pubilc Works Department which was already have monopoly.
Anonymous said…
please consider accounts cadre. more complications in macp occurred to be settled
Anonymous said…

Announcements don't fetch votes!!!
Merge DA, make me richer and take my vote.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for constitute 7th pay commission but unless if DA merger will not announce pensioners will suffer - ak. semity
raj said…
please make and take needful action for group b and c employees because group c & d employee every time go back when pay commisson come, so think about them because they r bone of our system

so i think chairman of pay commision think about
S.P.SINGH said…
C.G. employee are very excited to hear that 7th Pay Commission has been constituted. After implementation of 6th CPC lot of pay scale has been merged.
Due to merger of pay scale the charm of future progress by promotion is ended. MACP scheme is also not benefited financial as equivalent to the promotion .
The time period of 10 years for granting MACP is also too much. Hope so , the 7th Pay Commission will look into this matter and improve the future progress of
Group B & C employees by financial as well as their status.
Unknown said…
ojiv kumar Ganvir, CRL, Kolkata

kindly justify with library and information assistant g. p. 4600/- because central school and railway school LIA getting 4600/-
Anonymous said…
a simple example the petrol price in Karnataka =80 / liter, both higher level and lower level people pay the same price for buying it the why the difference in the travel allowance? this applies to all allowances i hope mr ashok will look in to this in 7th CPC
Infonet said…
All the employees re entitled and should get Interim Relief from the date of setting up of 7CPC.
Anonymous said…
Please see and considered the Lower cadre like LDC. LDC cadre take MACP for 3 times as per 6th pay commission, but Pay Band not change. How? please see Hon'ble sir : LDC grade pay : Rs. 1900/-
After 1st MACP gradepay: Rs.2000/-
After 2nd MACP gradepay: Rs.2400/-
After 2rd MACP gradepay: Rs.2800/-

please considered.
R.k.yadav said…
regarding 6th cpc case running on NIT,but decisions not yet received further do not deprived to loco running staff in 7th CPC.
Unknown said…
Hope !
This should be kept in mind that the report should not widen the gap between the lowest and the highest post as is evident from 6th pay commission report.

Anonymous said…
n ravichandean said…
The 7th Pay Commission may consider inclusion of Pensioners under LTC scheme as applicable to others and arrange to submit the claim to the respective office from where they retired since after retirement they would have got bored of TV etc. This will also help improve their mental and physical health as majority may not have money to meet travel expenses.
Anonymous said…
Better to remove the Grade Pay structure in 7th cpc, because of the promotional hierarchy is not particularly considered under MACP Scheme. In due, more anomalies created in this platform...
Anonymous said…
One eyes on to get LTC once in a year, to go home or all India. Nowadays youngsters are ready to enjoy LTC once in a year. Thank you 90Paisa for dedicated service..!
Anonymous said…

Group B employees who are recruited on Technical Qualifications should get grade equivalent of 4600.

e.g Data Processing Assistant grade pay should be 4600 as minimum qualification for this post is B.Tech Computer Sciences as per UPSC / SSC advertisements.
Anonymous said…
i do not have any hopes this pay commission will improve the grade pay of lower and mid class pay scales .All the pay commissions given maximum benefit to the class A officers. this is also going to be same.
kathirvewl said…
sarvanan said…
JACOB said…
The report should not widen the gap between the lowest and the highest post

pl consider recommending some sort of Tr.Allow/or any other benifit even after retirement for PH employees.
Anonymous said…
Biplab Ganguly,NRIADD, Kolkata
7th Central pay Commission should think over the Grade Pay/Pay structure of the Lab.Tech, Lab.Asst of the Autonomous Councils as there is no similarity between one council to another council. Some how the disparity is still going on. Not only in Grade pay but also for HPCA.
Anonymous said…
Please advance consider upgradation of grade pay LDC UDC issued ....
Unknown said…
Steno cadre are near to god and far way to pay benefit. It is most neglected cadre in the payment wise.
7th CPC should bring parity between Steno cadres of CSSS and non-Subordinate offices. All are recruited in the same way, but subordinate offices stenos are most loosers than compared to CSSS steno cadre employees. Equal pay to equal work principle should be implemented.
Anonymous said…
In the 7th CPC, medical allowance may be increased from Rs.300/- to Rs.1000/- p.m for retired employees. LTC facility may also please be extended to them at least once in 4 years.
Anonymous said…
Good news for the central govt employees however its recommendations should be made effective from 01 Jan 2014.Another and real game changer for the congress would be to increase retirement age by two years across the board.Is any one listening in the election year????
laxman said…
Laxman Haryana
Very Glad to here the News, Congrat's to Hon'ble PM & FM. Sir Kindly I request the Qualified employees should get higher pay/Grade then the low qualified employees, Please do the needful sir.
Sivadas.R said…

In rhe 7rh CPC, medical allowance for retired employees may be increased from Rs.300/- to Rs.1000/- p.m. Similarly, LTC facility may also be extended to retired personnel at least once in 4 years in the entitled class of travel at the time of their retirement.
Anonymous said…
good news for the central govt employees but its recommendations should be made effective from 01 jan 2014.another and real game changer for the congress would be to increase the retirement age by two years across the board.any one listening?????.
Anonymous said…
Defence person's grade pay should be made similar as per civilian employ. The MSP of officer and jawan should be same as both are at the same risk on the border to loose there life. We hope people will agree on this point as justice was denied in VI CPC.
Government decided that the 7th pay commission shall be implemented w.e.f 01-01-2016. It is brought to the notice that the 3rd Pay commission was implemented in the year of 1973. Afterwards 4th P.C is in the year of 1986. Next pay commission is implemented after every 10 years i.e. 1996 & 2006. The loss of 3 year may please be adjusted in 7th pay commission & implemented it with effect from January 2013.
Anonymous said…
i have a question that why the isolated post of Storekeeper is not giving similar financial effects on growth like promotional Storekeeper? instead of promotion this isolated post of Storekeeper can be upgraded.Please see and consider these type of isolated posts of group 'C' like SK-II which is similar to clerical cadre but there is no promotional and financial growth ....Pay commission should take attention about these posts and at least upgrade them on every 10 years completion.

please considered.
Anonymous said…
the Audit officers, who are backbone of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, who are taking risks, in bringing out corruption and weakness in the system, and who are in the position of questioning the officers in grade pay of even Rs.10000 and above, should be placed atleast in the grade pay of Rs.6 600, otherwise nobody in the country will respect them.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for appointing the committee, but in the 6th cpc so many flaws are there example in respect of direct recruitment basic and promotion basic structure for example for direct recritee of 4600 GP there is huge difference in GP, why it should be both are working in the same post why this sort of injustice to direct and promotion cadre and also so many flaws for Stenographers, PA and PS cadre where Officers are not treating as Group "B" Officers for PAs and PS so please resolve the above issues and try to enhance the salary for group c staff more
not for Group A staff
Anonymous said…
Dependent (parent of employees) benefit provided to male employee may be provided to female employee also in the same way, if she is the only one child to the parent and no male child to them. Empowerment of Women employees in government sector may be taken into consideration to save girl child. The pay commission may look into this.
Anonymous said…
Stenographers grade may be increased. Because of the low salary considering their responsibility and work, people are not learning this course and there is acute shortage of good stenographer. Asking for graduation and stenography pay grade 2400/- at the same time asking for 12 + stenography and GP 2400/-this may be looked into and suitable GP may be provided.
Anonymous said…
Senior draughtsmen in DGAQA may please be re-designated as Junior engineer as done in DGQA and those in 4800 may please be upgraded to Group-B gezetted.
Manoj Kumar said…
Kindly decide for granting Military payment to the Defence Civilian Employee also as we are working in the same atmosphere and same place.
bhawarekar rajesh kumar said…
From Bhawarekar rajesh kumar, while recommending pay for other cg please keep in mind that forces comes under cg who they are away from families and performing duties in border areas of our country, that should be separated PB for them.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…


Please clear all LDC CADRE PROBLEMS. please hike LDC'S grade pay at least in this pay commission as they are getting very less grade pay.Please note that LDC'S ARE ALSO VERY WELL EDUCATED AND EFFICIENT WORKERS.
Unknown said…
Again, the 7CPC will give a same multiplying factor for all Group A, B, C and D employee which will again increase the gap of salary among them. Pl do needful for Gp C&D and highly educated employee's ay/grade pay.
Anonymous said…
Kindly make procedure for group c employees for time bond promotion like group b & A officer.
Anonymous said…
Steno cadre is far away to pay benefit. It is most neglected cadre from a long time. The job of this cadre is very difficult due to subordination & late sitting hours.7th CPC should bring parity between Steno cadres of CSSS and non-Subordinate offices. All are recruited in the same way, but subordinate offices stenos are most losers than compared to CSSS steno cadre employees. Equal pay to equal work principle should be implemented. Please do justice with this cadre.
Somen Acherjee said…
Thanks govt of India for setting up 7th pay commission. we the fellow employees (other than faculties) of the central Agricultural university, imphal are getting at least 10000/- less than that of an eployee of ICAR having same post and qualifications. will it be overcome in this decade?
N. Jamaludheen, Andrott said…
I request 7th CPC may please bring parity between Steno cadres of CSSS and non-subordinate offices espcialy in U.T.of Lakshadweep. We are getting only two grade pay ie. 2400 and 4200 in our service. A lot of Stenographers are already completed more than 15 to 22 years without getting any cadre promotion and only two grades are here ie. Gr.III and Gr.II. It is injustice. So Stenographers in Laksahdweep may please be considered reasonably and avoid degrading in the 7th CPC.
Anonymous said…
Stenographers/PAs should be given higher grade pay as earlier they were allowed special pay. Moreover, they have to perform extra time duty .they can not leave office till the boss is in. Sir, please do consider this fact.
N. Jamaludheen, Andrott said…
I request 7th CPC may please bring parity between Steno cadres of CSSS and non-subordinate offices espcialy in U.T.of Lakshadweep. We are getting only two grade pay ie. 2400 and 4200 in our service. A lot of Stenographers are already completed more than 15 to 22 years without getting any cadre promotion and only two grades are here ie. Gr.III and Gr.II. It is injustice. So Stenographers in Laksahdweep may please be considered reasonably and avoid degrading in the 7th CPC.
Anonymous said…
I request 7th CPC may please bring parity between Steno cadres of CSSS and non-subordinate offices espcialy in U.T.of Lakshadweep. We are getting only two grade pay ie. 2400 and 4200 in our service. A lot of Stenographers are already completed more than 15 to 22 years without getting any cadre promotion and only two grades are here ie. Gr.III and Gr.II. It is injustice. So Stenographers in Laksahdweep may please be considered reasonably and avoid degrading in the 7th CPC.
n. c. choudhary said…
Please see and considered the stenographer.
1. appear in grade D 2400 in subordinate office & same grade in ministerial cedar but time of promotion subordinate office steno 08 year qualifying period and grade pay 4200 and ministerial cedar 05 year in 4600 please see Hon'ble sir stenographer grade pay : Rs. 2400
but qualification is both same so how than difference

2. LDc appear in gp 1900 (Subordinate office)
steno appear in 2400 (Subordinate office)
LDc cedar last Gp 6600 (Subordinate office)
but steno retired in 4800/- (Subordinate office)
please humbly requested to considered.
Anonymous said…
i have got 2nd regular promotion in july junior who joined dept 2 years later than me but in this period he got one regular promotion. but he got third macp 2010. but i got 3rd macp in july 2011. will the next pay commission justify these things.
Anonymous said…
The Qualified employees(like, Ph.D) should get higher pay/Grade then the low qualified employees, Please do the needful sir. Scientist of DAE should get higher pay.
hp mehra said…
In MES 50% posts are authorised to CORPS OF ENGINEERS permanantly (100% at top ie Ein C and Command CE) & there is vast difference of Pay& allcs to Civilian wrt Army personnel for exactly the same nature of duties performed in staff & executive appts. Other perks are also huge, like 03 months leave, besides furlough (leave), Military Service Pay for not carrying out mily duty,ration ,Post graduate degree pay besides other various allcs.Pay comm should consider equal pay for equal work.
Unknown said…
6th CPC created a lot of discrimination between Gr 'A' personnel to Gr'B' and 'C' personnel. Entry pay funda for Gr'B' and 'C' personnel is absolutely vogus. Even anammoly committee agree to give entry level pay to the cadre where direct entry involved but Finance ministry not agreed upon it which is totally unfair. Therefore I humbly request to committee member, kindly first of all rectify such anamoly (specialy those item on which anamoly committee agreed to rectify.
Anonymous said…
Please see and considered the Group 1 staff of CSIR. as per 6th pay commission, but Pay Band not change. How? please see Hon'ble sir :
Gr I(1) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
Gr I(2) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
same after serving for 7 years
Gr I(3) grade pay : Rs. 1900/-
an Rs 100/- after serving 14 years
Gr I(4) grade pay : Rs. 2800/-
and after no promaotins
Anonymous said…

Please rectify the anomalies regarding LDCs/UDCs grade pay issues as most of them are highly qualified and bearing high responsibilities in most sub-ordinate offices and 10 years for granting MACP is very long. Most of the state governments are granting MACPs for every 6years/8years. Kindly consider the above issues.
Anonymous said…

All know that the grade pay 1900 is between 2000 and 2400. For ten years duration increase of Rs.100 in grade pay i.e. 1900 to 2000 is really injustice. Please skip/abolish Rs.1900 grade pay between 1900 and 2400. Please change the system of MACP for ten years period as all other state government employees are getting next higher promotion basic for every 8 or 6 years.please consider this issue.
Anonymous said…

All LDC's are not satisfied with the grade pay of Rs. 2000 as the benefit of grade pay from Rs.1900 to Rs.2000 is only Rs.100/-. Really it is injustice. please rectify the above problem. It is also inform you that State Governments giving next promotional scales for every 8 or 6 years where as Central government employees getting next grade pay only after 10 years. Please consider the above two issues and do needful justice
Anonymous said…
Please consider Qualifications of LDC's when fixation of their scales in up coming pay commission and do needful justice accordingly, please.
Anonymous said…
The increase should be equally and there won't be no such parity in between Group A and Group D officers
Anonymous said…
Request to make provision who are going to retire from service in the year 2015 so that they may not suffer a lot.
Anonymous said…
Sir, after introduction of ACP/MACP, the Grade pay of the sub-ordinate officials is more
than the supervising officials. Ex- An official drawing grade pay of Rs 4600- through MACP is
working under his supervisor who is in the Grade Pay of Rs 2800-.
Definitely, the sub-ordinate will not respect his supervisor. This in turn invisibly ruins the
effective functioning of Govt machinery. So, please ensure that the grade pay of Supervisor is
always greater than his all sub-ordinates.
Anonymous said…
According Para 3.1.3, 3.1.9, 3.1.14 & 11.15 of Recommendations of 6th CPC, Parity to Office Supdt.(Gp-B) of Field Offices at par with Assistant(Gp-B) of CCS/AFHQ Cadre has not been implemented by the departments of filed offices due non-issuance of proper orders by the DOPT instead OS(Gp-B)has been equated with a lower post of UDC(NFSG)(Gp-C) of CCS/AFHQ Cadre. This is highly injustice and failure part of 6th CPC. Secondly the merger of lower post of Assistant (Rs.5000-8000/-) with OS(Rs.5500-9000/-) without conferring the merger benefits in pay fixation as per Illustration 4A of CDS(RP) Rules 2008. Hope 7th CPC will take care of all these anomalies.

Anonymous said…
please exclude the da amount in income tax calculation or extend corresponding benefit in the tax calculation as this allowance is against the price hike.
B.B.K.Saxena said…
There is no proper representation of old pensioners in the VII CPC. It is a well known fact that 50% of pensioners are senior citizen and require more in terms of finance. It is also a fact that most of the pensioners of this category retired from very lesser pay scales. In particular where the employees were forced to shift to PSU onthe closure
of a particular Department to a newly created PSU.
PKS said…
The move "constitute of 7th pay commission" is a welcome move. Technical persons specially "Programmers/ Software Engg. must give comparative scales as given in other institutes like universities, Research organisations i.e g.p of 5400/- least.
Unknown said…
Dearness Allowance should be fixed instead of %age, because inflation is same for all categories in 7th pay commission.
Thyagarajan said…
Sir, In the 7CPC, the accumulation of leave should be enhanced to 360 days from the present 300 days

T Rajan, Hyderabad
Anonymous said…
I hope 7th Pay Commission will take care of ex cadre post to remove anomaly arise during the sixth CPC. It is urged that while considering the proposal, there will be no discrimination between CSSS cadre and ex cadre with regard to Grade Pay and pay bend.
Anonymous said…
The anomaly with regard to the administrative office of Archaeological Survey of India (Group B Gazetted post) with the Section officer of Ministry who is also Group B Gazetted need to be removed so that justice could be done. It is prayed that justice may be done with all the employees who are suffering due to anomaly arise during the Sixth Pay Commission
Unknown said…
From: A. M. Manaktala
My only suggestion is that the pension of already retired personnel should be brought at par exactly with those retire after 01.01.2006 and those who would be retiring after date of implementation of 7th Pay Commission. This would avoid disparity as also heart burning to a great extent.
Sowri Rajan said…
Stenographers are having similar kind of work in any office all over India. The 6th Pay Commission clearly stated that the Stenographers all over India should be treated equally. But DOP&T treating its own Stenographers on high note, otherwise they will create problem at the Central Secretariat. On the other hand, the Stenographers working in Sub Ordinate Offices at low level. This itself is against the principle of equity and equal pay for equal work as enshrined in the Constitution of India. Since, the Stenographers are minority cadre, no one bothers about it. It is the only cadre where an initial recruited person retiring at the same level without any promotion. Thanks to MACP that too followed discriminately at field level. I appeal to all Stenographers to raise to the occasion and show our presence to 7th CPC. The PPS/PS/PAs in the Secretariat of 7th CPC should be appointed from the Stenographers not from IAS or from any other cadre of Government of India.
Anonymous said…
The seventh CPC may be requested to take into account the retirement benefits in respect of emplyoyees who will be superannuating on 31.12.2015 as they will not be benefitted by the sevent CPC recommendation to the same extent as the empoyees retiring on or after 01.01.2016 in respect of DCRG , Leave Encashment, etc.

Anonymous said…

The seventh CPC may be requested to take into account the retirement benefits in respect of emplyoyees who will be superannuating on 31.12.2015 as they will not be benefitted by the sevent CPC recommendation to the same extent as the empoyees retiring on or after 01.01.2016 in respect of DCRG , Leave Encashment, etc.

Anonymous said…
we are asstt (AD) technical and VI th pay commission pay scale(9300-35400-Grade pay-4200)for both technical asstt/non technical asstt.after some period DOPT 0rder issue higher grade pay (4600)for asstt(non technical)only.Please ,please VIIth pay commission, we request to justify with us.
Anonymous said…

We the Jr. Stenographers working in zonal railways are deprived most. In spite of our hard work (we have no office hours, all stenos are working late office hours in every day, even holiday also without getting any benefits) we are also not getting justice from any corner. With poor pay scale and no scope of up-gradation, we are lost our hops and motivation. Nobody feels their pains. I am working as Jr. Stenos in N. F. Railways since last 13 years without getting any promotion.
Munshi Ram said…
haryana radiographer association is only sole representative of all radiographers working in health deptt. of state haryana wants an appointment for representation about grade pay
Naresh Kumar said…
Sir, As per 5th CPC Ist ACP for LDC Cadre is 4000-6000 then IInd ACP is 5500 - 9000 & after that 6500-10000 but 6th CPC change the pay band for Ist MACP Rs.2000 & After that 2400 & 2800. As per 5th CPC 2800 is not our pay grade. That is technical staff Grade. Kindly consider the same and change 4200 instead of 2800after MACP or promotion.
Anonymous said…
Judicious personalities are being appointed the chairman of Pay Commissions to look into the benefits of all cadres in Government services from top to bottom judiciously. As per 6th. CPC Assistant Engineers in Central Government Services with all India transfer liability and working involved in difficult/ hard areas of the country have been placed in PB-2 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600 whereas the AE's working in almost all State Governments with limited transfer liability within the State have been placed with Grade Pay of Rs.5400 which is grate injustice with the AE's of CPWD as under;-
1. Appointed as JE in Grade Pay of RS.4200
2. After 10 years service gets 1st. MACP of Grade Pay
3.After further 10 years service gets 2nd. MACP of grade Pay
4.After further 10 years service gets 3rd. MACP of grade Pay
so far nobody is listening about the injustice matted-out to the AE's of CPWD. Hoping this time Hon'ble Chairman of 7th. Pay commission will adjudicate this anomaly of AE's of CPWD.
Anonymous said…
In 6th Pay Commission : Please see Status of lower cadre like LDC. LDC cadre take MACP for 3 times as per 6th pay commission, but Pay Band not change. How? please see Hon'ble sir : LDC grade pay : Rs. 1900/-
After 1st MACP gradepay: Rs.2000/-After 2nd MACP gradepay: Rs.2400/-After 3rd MACP gradepay: Rs.2800/- Please do justice. Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice, I wish successful outcome of this 7th Pay Comission as Chairman and be an odd out among all the chairman of all pay commissions who very seriously take in to account of the seniority positions of all merged cadres. i.e., Seniority to be considered from entry cadre of merged posts considering local and all India seniority in various cadres. Till date seniority anomalies are not settled as no clear directives are given. Real success of this is time bound submission of the report. Efficiency is O/P By Time. My prayers for successful , time bound report with healthy days.
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble sir please do justice with the subordinate offices. As the Group 'B' Gazetted Officer of the Subordinate Offices are getting Grade pay Rs.4600/- while Group "b" Gazetted officer of Ministry are getting Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- and after four years they got Rs.5400/- Grade pay wheres before vi CPC both were in the same pay scale. This is big injustice with the Group "B" Gazetted Officer of the Subordinate Offices. Please see sir and do the justice with the above.
Anonymous said…
Sir, In Indian Audit & Accounts and all organized Accounts, the following 7-(Seven) cadres are in Rs 5400- Grade Pay :
1) Jr Accountant/Auditor (MACP-III)
2) Sr Accountant/Auditor (MACP-III)
3) Asst Accounts Officer (MACP-III)
4) Accounts/Audit Officer
5) SR.Accounts/Audit Officer
6) Asst Chief Acount/Audit Officer
7) JTS-Officer (Through UPSC)
Please examine if the above is justified. If felt not justified please give justice.
Anonymous said…
It is very judicious step that 7th CPC has been constituted but the employees working in Rs.5400/- grade pay are very sufrer as they have ClassI status with higher qualifications/ experiences Please consider better grade pay like 6000 in place of 5400/-
cbz481 said…
again it is very unfortunate that there is not even a single member from group C
Anonymous said…

Please Consider child care leave for male employees also (limited days) as now a days fathers are taking huge responsibilities when their child get sick, accompanying them when they attending exams, counselings, especially there is a need to support/guard their daughters at present situations.

employees, Andhrapradesh

Anonymous said…
Kindly consider the pay scales of Assisants and Asst. Superintendents. Now that the scales are merged, there is no monetary benefit even after getting promotion which is very rare. kindly seen that the pay scales are not merged which will help thousands of Assistant, Asst. Supdt and Superintendents. Make sure that an official gets atleast three fincial benefit promotions in a period of 30 years.
Jeetendra Kumar Sahu said…
This time Grade pay of Rs. 4800/- should be abolished and merged with Grade pay Rs. 5400/- like CBI department. For any central Govt GOs this will be by far moral boost for discharging their duties.
Anonymous said…
Please do justice As the Group 'B' Gazetted Officer of CSSS are getting Grade pay Rs.4600/- and MACP of Rs.4800/- and after four years they got Rs.5400/- Grade pay wheres before vi CPC, we got direct another scale. This is big injustice with the Group "B" Gazetted Officer Please see sir and do the justice with the above.
rakesh said…
there should be no grade pay of Rs4800/- as it is very close to Rs.4600/- The grade should be 4200-4600 and 5400.
ashok said…
First of all clear the pre 2006 retirees and then talk about the 7th pay commission. It is a poor show 26 years,joining as a line man of TNEB retiring as Foreman equivalent to Gp 'X' sgt of Indian air force who is maintaining costly Fighter aircraft getting 8037/- as basic pension whereas TNEB forman drawing 11,000/- as basic pension. Shame on indian government part regarded on defense forces.
Anonymous said…
Please reduce the gap between Pay band III and pay band IV, pay band III scale 15600 starting and pay band scale starting IV 37000 something almost 20,000 difference, this is too much, please do the needful in this gap.

Unknown said…
All LDC's are not satisfied with the grade pay of Rs. 2000 as the benefit of grade pay from Rs.1900 to Rs.2000 is only Rs.100/-. Really it is injustice. please rectify the above problem. It is also inform you that State Governments giving next promotional scales for every 8 or 6 years where as Central government employees getting next grade pay only after 10 years. Please consider the above two issues and do needful justice Bhavesh Thakor
Guest said…
Hon'ble Justice, I wish successful outcome of this 7th Pay Comission as Chairman and be an odd out among all the chairman of all pay commissions who very seriously take in to account of the seniority positions of all merged cadres. i.e., Seniority to be considered from entry cadre of merged posts considering local and all India seniority in various cadres. Till date seniority anomalies are not settled as no clear directives are given. Real success of this is time bound submission of the report. Efficiency is O/P By Time. My prayers for successful , time bound report with healthy days.
Guest said…
Seniority of merged cadre should be combined seniority irrespective of discipline like Group 'A' as mlti tasking and multiskilling are the concepts of todays Human Resourse and is already implemented in Group 'A'.
Guest said…
Hon'ble Justice, Seniority position of Merged Cadre in 6th Pay commission should be based on Basic Pay Seniority with Grade pay to sort out existing anomalies in merged cadre and the same should be combined seniority and not disciplined wise like Group 'A' cadre. Group 'B' doing same work irrespective of various discipline like Group 'A' , then why seniority of Grp 'B' discipline wise, Sir.Please view this seriously taking into account of local & all India Seniority
Unknown said…
In the latest trend of multi tasking and multi skilling and in the computerised system of activities, combined seniority of all disciplines is essential in Grp 'B' cadre as one or ttwo disciplines are under fast track promotion superceding their seniors of another discipline.
Anonymous said…
after 30 year service under MACP III those are getting GP 5400/- they should be benefited similarly/equally in r/o this grade pay in 7 cpc
Anonymous said…
Thanks For constituting the pay commission. how many promotions an employee should get in his life time?
the commission needs to deliberate on this issue also. some services have Better promotional avenues where are some services don't have the promotional avenues and employees are stagnating at the same post which leads to inefficiencies and frustrations.
Anonymous said…
VI Pay Commission had done great injustice to the Assistant Audit Officers of Indian Audit and Accounts Department, who are the backbone of the CAG's Audit Report by not giving grade pay Rs.5400 after completion of 4 years of service as in the case of Revenue Department, Postal and Railway. This has demoralise the Officers and their aptitude towards work. Will this VII Pay Commission do any justice to the AAOs and AOs of the IAAD department who are fighting for the corrupt free India?
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice! Please consider the following.
A pay band in between 15600-39100 and 37400-67000 may please be given to the Senior Officers (Group B/Sub-ordinate Serices like IAAD Departent) as the officers in pay band of 15000-39100 are the backbone of any department as they only know the basic work and had experiences and without them the Officers in the cadre of 37400-67000 will not do justice to their work.
Anonymous said…
The Assistant Audit Officers (Group B) of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department,who in the grade pay of Rs.4800 did not get their due of Rs.5400 after 4 years while Group B officers in in Revenue Department(Income Tax, Central Excise, Customes) Postal and Railway getting. Why this Kolaveri!
Will they get justice now?
Please analyse this and give justice.
Anonymous said…
I am a CG employee and doing job in BSF. During my 20 years of service I am in same rank and get till one macp. Geting promotion is a dream in this elite force. I am also expecting more and more from 7th CPC.

S Nayak
Vinay G said…
Points :

a. Junior Engineer / Technical Assistants = starting 4600 Grade Pay with clause of 5400 after 4 years.

b. Good Home Loan Scheme : Slab start minimum 25 Lakhs with condition NO Govt Accomodation for them at Mumbai / Delhi.

c. Free Laptop on the date completing one year of service.

d. Encashment of unused Earned Leaves on yearly / half yearly basis which will check attendance of government employees and increase punctuality.
Anonymous said…
Pensioners and service members of paramilitary forces specially BSF doing hard job at borders.
So, justify their facilities as facility given to military.
Anonymous said…
Kindly take care of Stenographers-I pay scale which is merged with Stenographer-II i.e. Rs.4200/- GP for both. Secondly Steno-I is not getting any benefit from MACP. Kindly go through it and help.
Anonymous said…
please concentrate on TA (Tour allowance). The collection of food bills from small hotels / rural villages is not possible. Some times there is no hotels in such cases how TA will be claimed.
mohan mallepula said…
In 6th CPC the postal assistant scale was reduced on par with BCR postman. While postal assistant was recruited with minimum qualification of 12th standred where as BCR postman who got service promotion after 26 years was brought up to the equal of postal assistant scale according to 5th CPC. This matter was taken up by the anomaly committee but no decision was taken. Now the postal assistant was granted with 2400 Grade pay and BCR postman was granted with 2800 grade. It is my sincere request that, don't ignore the cadre of postal assistant which is not clubbed with LDC / UDC.
Anonymous said…
It is the local employee who gets the most of the benefit becoz they took no leave to get their work.
Anonymous said…
lakhan singh said…
in the 6th pay commission
c.e.allowence are very suspicious & tight
so i want in the 7th pay commission
school earned tution fees & other fees plz all type of fees by central govt reimbersable.

lakhan singh
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice! Please consider the following,
petrol and diesel price through out the India is same where as transport allowance is lower in class three cities. we suggested to equalize the transport allowance in all cities.
Anonymous said…
no need of 7th pay commission ,please implements all recommendation of 6th pay commission on priority ,merger of DA 50%,anamolly of all cadres,if 7th pay commission works on pattern of last pay commission this will be increase only gap in sallary of gr-D & gr-A employees
M. Hameed Ali said…
Dear Sir, I like to know how much amount a pensioner will receive as per OROP who discharged as H.Capt or H.Lt in 1985 January or 1986 January. My father served for 33 years in Army. What is the calculation method. How much arrears amount we will get. My father who died in Jan 2013 how much family pension will be revised as per OROP. Please revert me clearly and briefly about it.

Thanks & Regards
M. Hameed Ali
rajkumar said…
Please see and considered the Group 1 staff of CSIR. as per 6th pay commission, but Pay Band not change. How? please see . sir -
Gr I(1) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
Gr I(2) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
same after serving for 7 years
Gr I(3) grade pay : Rs. 1900/-
an Rs 100/- after serving 14 years
Gr I(4) grade pay : Rs. 2800/-
and after no promaotins
Unknown said…
We are claiming that we are living in a 2nd biggest democartic country in the world, but there is a lot of discrepancies in course of liberizatioin of Service condition even in Central. From the same exam. those who are posted in delhi they are alwayas benifited much more than other suubordinate offices in an around India. For examample, those who were in the Scale of Group B Gazetted Rs. 6500-10500/- befor 6th CPC, all them are bracketed with other three lower scale result of which after considering III MACP either they are equal of lower than the employee who were in the lower scale before 6th CPC. I Mr.Nityananda Das, P.S. to Director was in the scale of 6500- 10500/- in Group B Gazetted Rank as P.S. to Driector, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata since October,1996. After implementation of 6th CPC by considering of III MACP, presently my pay is equal to my Junior who were in the scale of 5500-8000/- as Grade I stenographer. Is is not a injustice. Please do the needful.>
Rajkumar said…
Please see and considered the Group 1 staff of CSIR. as per 6th pay commission, but Pay Band not change. How? please see Hon'ble sir :
Gr I(1) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
Gr I(2) grade pay : Rs. 1800/-
same after serving for 7 years
Gr I(3) grade pay : Rs. 1900/-
an Rs 100/- after serving 14 years
Gr I(4) grade pay : Rs. 2800/-
and after no promaotins
rajkumar said…
Honorable Sir,
It is a pitty that our grade pay (C.S.I.R. // Group-1 Staff ) in this present market scenario is Rs 1800/- and the gap between two promotions is 7 years and on being promoted the GP increases to Rs 1900/- and on next level the GP becomes Rs 2000/-. So from these instances we see that the increment is of Rs 100 only when there is a large inflation in the economy.
It is also to be noticed that that our band does not change and we remain in the the same band till retirement.
Please Sir consider our situation and please see if our condition can be improved ,otherwise it becomes a hand to mouth existence for us and our family. A day will come when we will have to face starvation.
Please see Sir.
JAI HIND said…
Better to remove the Grade Pay structure in 7th cpc, because of the promotional hierarchy is not particularly considered under MACP Scheme. and ritirement date of 30 june one year ompleted service but not give in increment.
manmohan GS-165383A StenoA said…
Hon'ble Justice Sir! Please consider the following,

(i) GREF service pay to the employees of General Reserve Engineer Force

(ii) Ex-serviceman status facilities to the employees of General Reserve Engineer Force.

(iii) equal rank equal pension to the employees of General Reserve Engineer Force
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice! Please consider the following,
Please review the Deffence Pay scale because we can expect a best consideration from Ministry and your decision. Please think about them who are deployed from Siachen Glaciar to Kanyakumari , Tibbet Border to Bay of Bengal. Who are fighting against terrorism,against infiltration from Day and night. Just Think if a solder is not accept his duty for his mother land then who will fight. Think When all indians are sleeping then we are standing in the LOC.We have forget are family. But what can i give to my family.

Thanking You Sir
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice Sir! Please consider the following,
pay protection for all ex-servicemen reemployed in all Govt offices(Central & State)including DPSUs /PSUs as in Banking sector.

Thanking You
Anonymous said…
please do not ignore the stenographer in 7th pay commission sir.
Venu said…
1. Ever until the Sixth CPC, never there has been such narrower range of variation between erstwhile group ‘D’ employees and UDC/LDC. For easy illustration, related Pay Scale / Pay Band / Grade Pay, etc. are tabularised beneath :-

Under RPR Pay Scale(s) Remarks
UDC Gp ‘D’ Pers Difference

RPR-1986 1200 – 1800 750 - 940 Rs.450/- Initial stage
RPR-1997 4000 – 6000 2550 – 3200 Rs.1450/- Initial stage
RPR-2008 5200 – 20200 5200 – 20200 Rs. NIL Initial stage (PB-1)
RPR-2008 Rs.2400/-* Rs.1800/-* Rs.600/- *Grade Pay
LDC Gp ‘D’ Pers Diff

RPR-1986 950 – 1400 750 - 940 Rs.200/- Initial stage
RPR-1997 3050 – 4590 2550 – 3200 Rs.500/- Initial stage
RPR-2008 5200 – 20200 5200 – 20200 Rs. NIL Initial stage (PB-1)
RPR-2008 Rs.1900/-** Rs.1800/-** Rs.100/- **Grade Pay

2. It could be well appreciated that there is a noticeable degree of shrinkage in the range of difference between the Pay/Grade Pay of UDC/LDC and erstwhile group ‘D’ pers. Whereas, it may be seen that after every pay commission, always the range of difference between employees in upper grades and lower rungs has been got widened further and more. If at all such broadening is considered non-maintainable, at least, lowering of the range should not have been allowed to be taken place in the case of clerical cadre also.

3. While decided the Pay Band & Grade Pay for CLERKS, a material fact has not been taken in to consideration that, almost all the Clerks are now well skilled in computer operation, without which it would not have been possible in the office to pull on the heavy load of paper works including policy execution. Another significant aspect which the 6th CPC did not weigh was;- "the qualification (QR) of Clerks working in government department." This, ultimately resulted in grave irreparable loss to the clerical cadre.

nisha said…
we are asstt (AD) technical and VI th pay commission pay scale(9300-35400-Grade pay-4200)for both technical asstt/non technical asstt.after some period DOPT 0rder issue higher grade pay (4600)for asstt(non technical)only.Please ,please VIIth pay commission, we request to justify with us.
Anonymous said…
please check the merger of grade pay 4600 and grade pay of 4800 issue
Hon'ble Justice, Please amend the criteria age of Child Care Leave (CCL) from 18 years to 10 years as 18 years aged ward is not at all treated as a child resulting which lady employees are taking advantage & misusing. Official work & working attitude is hampered mostly in govt. offices.Please do the needful. Tahnking you.
Anonymous said…
Pay scale in r/o Group-C Grade pay of Rs. 2400/- is much lower to Grade pay of Rs. 4200/-. therefore such difference between above post should not be in 7th Pay commission as this post were same capacity of duties.
Anonymous said…
Please look into yhe matter for group C,D which is suffring since 6th cpc.
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice! Please consider the following,
Please review the deference Pay scale for technical staff because we are getting the pay scale equivalent to non technical staff. So, we can expect a best consideration from Ministry and your decision. Please think about it. Because technical staff are working hard labour than non technical staff.
Anonymous said…
Special thanks to pm and fm.right decision,but implement it straight away from1.1.2016 without any ensure gradepay 7600 and8700 merge together. Thanks a lot. Anonymous.
rajkumar said…
Hon'ble Justice Sir! Please justify Group-D employees promotion.
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble Justice mahoday, The gap of payment betw'n Gp 'A' and Gp 'B' and below staff is touching sky and dipping below the earth which was blessed by the 6th CPC not justified. Sir, no organisation can effectively function without the trained experienced workforce. I m signing a letter does not mean I did every thing.
Anonymous said…
Sir, MSP must be at par for all defence personnel. Technical expertisation must be paid addition keeping the responsibility in mind working on ground level. other allownces must be at par because inflation hits everybody.
Anonymous said…
Hon'ble justice sir
Please review the CCL. A child is not only taken care by mother but also by father. Then why don't this leave is shared with father and mother as availing of LTC either by husband or wife. Hope your kindness will consider.
Anonymous said…
kindly abolish grade pay system
Anonymous said…
Technicians in Scientific and Research Departments who acquire qualification with permission after joining the department and possess first class are given least importance in their promotions. It is requested to consider the qualification for higher promotions.Though Departmental exams for track change are conducted,only two chances are given and 60% of marks is mandatory to get through, and the question paper will be very tough hardly any technician can get through, if at all a person gets through in written exam he has to face a very tough oral interview where he can never get through.No training, no guidance and no materials are given to a technician in the departmental qualifying exam for track change.If technicians are not given any track change at least regular promotions can be given earlier by giving weightage to the qualification. As it is very difficult to study while working, lot of dedication and hard work is required to take first class, so please consider our request and give value for education.
Ranabir said…
It is good to constitute the 7th CPC. But it should be ensured that the Commission submits its report well in advance so that revision of pay takes place w.e.f 1.1.2016 itself. Otherwise, Govt. shall have to face a huge financial burden towards arrears thereof.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Angella said…
Please consider the compassionate appointments. Qualified persons may be given a better post instead of allotting GP 1800. Graduate people has to be differenciated from others by atleast giving an increment.Departmental exams can be conducted to Work charged staff also to encourage them.Or work charged staff can also be made as regular staff.
Unknown said…
Grant of parity to the stenographers working in the field offices of Indian Railways, if this issue has not been settled then the same is required to be considered and given special attention in the 7th CPC as the SLP filed by the Railway Board has been dismissed and Review Application has also been rejected by the Apex Court on 28.01.2014. NFIR has also chased this anomaly
Anonymous said…
The constitution of the 7th CPC in time is a great news. The meagerof DA and interim relief will be of great help to the employees especially lower grades at this juncture. The 6th CPC had done good job in lifting up the grade IV and providing greener pastures to Grade I Class. But it is hope the 7th CPC will do better job in balancing the grades keeping in mind of the lower middle grades especially of 1900,2000,2400,2800. They deserved to be lifted too. My hearfelt thanks to UPA Govt. - All is well that ends well.
Anonymous said…
Give justice to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti staff seeking CCS pension for those in service before 1-1-2004.Also raise the retirement age upto 62years at least.
Unknown said…
Hon'ble justice sir,
Military Service Pay must be at par for all defence personnel.
Unknown said…
1.if an employee having 40 years service,is he/she eligible for forth MACP ? please clarify it.

2.what grade pay has to come in 2014 if an employee had grade pay 1900/- in 1995?
Anonymous said…
Sir,kindly abolish grade pay system this creates greater confusion in pay, junior is getting more pay than senior and enjoying MORE benefits on CCA and LTC pl consider
Anonymous said…
In DAE,Technicians with higher qualification are suffering a lot without recognition and support inspite of their hard work. An LDC or a stenographer will get track change they can become a gazetted officer i:e AAO or APO or still higher grade, as they are given enough of training,they are provided with good study materials and proper guidance and enough of chances are given to them and their passing marks is just 35%,and their exams are conducted frequently.But a Technician has no such support during departmental qualifying exam, the passing marks is 60% with only two chances. Hence a technician can never think of track change. Hence please give us some support and recognition either in track change or one step up promotion for acquiring higher qualification.
Anonymous said…

Please don't ignore LDC's and their services. Their role in central government offices is extraordinary. While fixation of LDC's scales, please consider their qualifications and services, please.... look into this matter in this pay commission

On behalf of all LDC's
Anonymous said…

LDC's and UDC's in Central government offices play an important role in Administrative matters. They are Graduates/PG Graduates. When compare to their qualifications and work they are getting very less grade pays and scales.Even they dont's have any special allowances like Higher degree allowances, etc., Some departments employees getting special allowances like Patient care allowance etc., where as LDC's and UDC's work is heavy and scale is low. When compare to Teachers and other state government employees,LDC's and UDC's scales are very low. Please make these points in consideration and justify the above matter.

Subordinate offices LDC/UDC's representation.
Anonymous said…

IT IS BRING TO YOUR KIND NOTICE THAT IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT'S TECHNICAL STAFF, SAFAIWALA'S, DRIVER'S ARE GETTING PATIENT CARE ALLOWANCE ALONG WITH TECHNICAL STAFF - WHERE AS LDC's and UDC's and Stenographers in Sub-ordinate offices are also working in same risky environment and also participating in health service like issuing medicines, chemical items etc., and also sitting in same building, but they are not getting any allowance. As DRIVERS AND SAFAIWALS ALSO GETTING PATIENT CARE ALLOWANCE AND THE AMOUNT OF PATIENT CARE ALLOWANCE IS VERY HIGH, please consider the same for OTHER EMPLOYEES LDC's/UDC's/STENOGRAPHER'S ALSO (Those who are working in same environment/office.
Rajendran said…
All Gp B Non Gazetted Offrs who are drawing Gde pay 4600, 4800 & 5400 are eligible for Adhoc Bonus and advances whereas Gp B Gazetted offrs whose gde pay is 4600, 4800 and 5400 are NOT eligible for Ad-hoc bonus and advances. Despite the fact that both the categories are drawing same grade pay, but only because of their gazetted status, the Gp B Gazetted civ offrs denied bonus and advances. This anomaly should be removed by fixing a Gde Pay up to which bonus and advances eligible. Preferably those who are drawing Grade Pay of Rs 4800 and below, irrespective of Gazetted or Non Gazetted should elegible for Adhoc Bonus & advances.
Anonymous said…
Gp B Gaz offrs whose gde pay 4600 to 5400 are denied Adhoc Bonus & advances because of their gaz status whereas Gp B Non Gaz offrs who are drawing same Gde Pay are elibible for the same. This anomaly should be removed by fixing a Gde Pay up to which Adhoc Bonus & advances are eligible irrespective of Gaz or Non Gaz status.
Anonymous said…
Please consider about uniform HRA for all the area, as CG employees who are enjoying only 10% HRA are no less than that of CG employees who are enjoying 30% HRA. So why is this discrimination?
Unknown said…
7cpc really a good news for central govt emplyees but those who r in hills state such as Mizoram its does not effect all because we buy alu at RS 30 ,onion RS45 STILL so comparing the inflation rate to other parts of india is so high so for hills employees FM sould think seriously to do something better.
Unknown said…
7th CPC there is no any member included from the group 'C' & 'B' employees.there is a repeat monopoly system again. please included any one of group c & B and consider the problems of field staff. there are working without transport, light, water and pay role is equal A/c room working. hows justify
Unknown said…
All LDC's are not satisfied with the grade pay of Rs. 2000 as the benefit of grade pay from Rs.1900 to Rs.2000 is only Rs.100/-. Really it is injustice. please rectify the above problem. It is also inform you that State Governments giving next promotional scales for every 8 or 6 years where as Central government employees getting next grade pay only after 10 years. Please consider the above two issues and do needful justice M.Mohanarengan
Unknown said…
All LDC's are not satisfied with the grade pay of Rs. 2000 as the benefit of grade pay from Rs.1900 to Rs.2000 is only Rs.100/-. Really it is injustice. please rectify the above problem. It is also inform you that State Governments giving next promotional scales for every 8 or 6 years where as Central government employees getting next grade pay only after 10 years. Please consider the above two issues and do needful justice M.Mohanarengan
Anonymous said…
Stenographers are minority cadre, no one bothers about it. It is the only cadre where an initial recruited person retiring at the same level without any promotion. All Stenographers are having similar kind of work in any office all over India. The 6th Pay Commission clearly stated that the Stenographers all over India should be treated equally. Stenographer cadre and clerical cadre (UDC) are totally different cadre and the job work is also different. Steno cadre should not be to merged with clerical cadre and the pay scale of steno cadre should be more than of clerical cadre as the responsibility of steno is more than that of clerical cadre. Do justice to all STENO CADRE in 7th Pay Commission.
Anonymous said…
Give justice to all stenographers in 7th Pay Commission. Stenographers are in minority cadre.
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Retirement age should be considered as 58 years instead of 60 years so that the youngsters will get the job. Unemployment can be solved those who are really in need of the job.
Unknown said…
If the Government accepts the recommendation of Parliament Panel for raising the retirement age above 60 years, it will be a great set back for unemployment. But at any cost such raising of retirement age should not be applicable to Armed Forces, including Para-military Forces i.e. CRPF, BSF, Assam Rifles etc. as these forces and physical-fighting forces, as such they should always remain fit and young. Rather their retirement age should be reduced to ATLEAST FOR TWO YEARS from present age. This suggestion by an employee of CPMF.
Anonymous said…
The constitution of 7th pay commission without having a member of Gr.B or C will be like old wine in new bottle, but the better aspect of it will at least give a chance to taste old wine. That is all.
Unknown said…
7th CPC is requested to take into consideration of poor plight of personnel of border guarding forces deployed on borders with negligible facilities and away from their families without any financial incentive like MSP for defence pers. or security allowance for IB, CBI, RAW ARC, NSG or SPG personnel. Similarly facilities like free ration,every year LTC for families, concession vouchers etc applicable to defence pers. be also extended after
assessing the factual condtion.
Anonymous said…
Respected Chairman and Members,
In compassionate appointments, so far, some employees are experiencing injustice. In some Scientific organisations, appointments are being made in very low post in Group-C cadre irrespective of first class marks of the candidate in Post Graduation. For ex. First class M.Sc candidates are being given Matriculation posts. They are still surviving in low positions by achieving next promotions through career advancement, which are not at all suitable to their qualifications and the services they are rendering. There may be a few such people serving for the Govt. Hence, they may be justified in 7th CPC by getting upgraded to the higher posts which are atleast nearly equivalent to their qualifications in Group-C cadre, from back date of initial appointment and promoted accordingly.
Anonymous said…
YES the duty and the responsibility of a stenographer to the department is very high but they are also treated as UDC ( Stenography is a special qualification and its value to be given by GOI). Due to the negligence from the part of Department and difficulty in learning the special art qualification now a days, non are interested to study the same. graduation is sufficient for UDC, but departments asking for Graduation PLUS Stenography for stenographer ( they are double graduates) this consideration to be given to them and they grade may be fixed accordingly, being a justice you know the importance of a stenographer. Pl. do something for the stenographer at least to keep alive of the particular and required profession.
Anonymous said…
Respected Chairman & Members.
After release of the CPC it is noticed that a huge anomalies have seen in many steps which are facing many problems and huge government money has been lost for settlement of court cases. It is suggested that parliament & Commission will take the decision that no change will be happen & CG Employees should be bound to accept the pay commission's decision in between the present & past CPC .
Anonymous said…
I would like to draw your kind attention on the status of Cost Accountants/Sr.Cost Accountants (ICWA-Final qualified) in Indian Railways. CAs/Sr.CAs are enjoying the same pay structures as are enjoyed by the SOs/Sr.SOs, TIAs/Sr.TIAs and ISAs/SrISAs. At present, no further avenue is available to the qualified Cost Accountants.
Cost Accountants in Indian Railways is confined only to Costing Sectionthough they have the capability to do all the fields of Accounts like, Finance, Stores, Establishment, Budget etc.
Under Ministry of Finance, ICWAs are directly recruited as “Assistant Director” in the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500/-, revised as Rs.15600-39100/-.under pay band III after implementation of 6th CPC’s recommendation. They have a lot of promotional avenues.
5th CPC recommended some avenues for the Cost Accountants in the year 1996. But 6th CPC was silent about ICWAs.Probably, they were not aware about the existence of ICWAs in Railway Accounts department. Actually, the no. of CAs working under Indian Railways are limited.
It is our humble submission to the honourable chairman of 7th pay commission to kindly look into the matter and recomend some avenues for CAs working under Indian Railways.
With regards.

Anonymous said…
Dear Comrades,

Glad to hear that 7th CPC has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Justice Mathur. One out of ten readers has cooemnted that 7th CPC should lookk after MACP/INCR etc.,. But no one took care of CGHS & CEA. As you are aware that the same is still pending since the last Pay Commission. We all are concerned about our Health of our family and Education of our children.I am to say that CGHIS should be introduced and CEA should be a lumpsum payment say Rs.25000/- per child per year.
Anonymous said…
Sr. Auditor/Account treated as Group - B (Non-gazetted) but why it is announced no clarification has given. Please look into the matter.
Further MACP should be treated as hierarchy otherwise animally & court case will be continued. Pl. the problems may be rectified.
Unknown said…
''Accountants''working in Deptt.of Postare having separate cadre with separate Gradation list but no separate scale is given to them
as like other Ministries of central govt.This parity should be removed

By→Lele Jayant
Anonymous said…
Honourable 7th CPC Committee,
Technical personnel in Scientific research departments are facing bitter experiences. In spite of their higher qualifications with high grade of marks and number of years of experience they have no chance to change their path to achieve Scientific posts. Atleast, there is no departmental exam (exclusively for in-service candidates) for them. Inorder to get Scientific posts, in some organizations, they are facing open competition with freshers and it’s too difficult for them to achieve. Hence these employees may be considered for change of their path basing on their qualifications and experience with a departmental exam (exclusively for in-service candidates) with relaxed standards (if exam is necessary) or atleast with experience in the same field.
Devendra Kumar Bakhshi said…

Please clear the anomalies of 6th pay commission for clerical cadre and hike grade pay of LDC, UDC & O/S at least in this pay commission as they are getting less pay.Please note that clerical cadre is also very well educated and efficient.
Anonymous said…
Scrap the 7th Pay Commission.Make everyone equal may be group "Z" Employees and start seeing how things collapses.....
Anonymous said…
Employees of Minority Community groups may be given preference and considered for high management positions on rotational basis, if they are available in the Organisation and satisfying the conditions of eligibility.
Anonymous said…
In DAE, Officers are given more increments in PRIS-I,it will be upto 6 increments where as for Technicians it is limited only to 3 increments and rarely any will get three increments only favorable candidates will be given, why is this disparity, officers take lot of work from technicians and they work more in radiation inspite of its hazard,while the credit goes to the officers and more increments are given to them and they get early promotions also, where as deserved technicians are not encouraged and their promotions are purposely delayed and degraded.As the Basic pay and Grade pay of the officers are very high, there one increment itself is more, then six increments will fetch them a huge amount. Why is this disparity when all are working for a common cause.Please all the technicians of DAE request to increase the number of increments of PRIS-I to the Tecnicans.
Anonymous said…
Many Technicians in DAE are less qualified, many have not even passed primary school, they are called early for promotions than qualified technicians, though the workload is more to the qualified technicians, they are not given any recognition. If a technician acquires higher qualification, seldom he is given any recognition rather he is degraded so that he does not get his regular promotions in time or it is delayed inspite of their hardwork, lot of problems are faced by the qualified technicians in DAE. Request the 7th CPC to give one step up promotion to the qualified technicians.
Unknown said…

When 50% DA is going to merge with basic pay. It is suggestive that PAY commission should look for enhancement of retirement age due to shortage of experienced hands in all Govt departments, because creamy youngster are not looking for Govt jobs and it will also reduce some financial implications on Govt.
Unknown said…
Respected Chairman and Members,
The Stenographers (PPS, PS,etc.) are minority cadre, no one bothers about it even we attached to direct officers. In spite of our hard work, we have no office hours, all stenos are working late office hours in every day, even holiday also without getting any benefits. We are also not getting justice from any corner. With poor pay scale, nobody feels their pains. kindly justify.
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