Of all the benefit announced in the V CPC to Central Government Employees announced of ACP reigns as the jewel in the crown.
For the employees who started their careers in the end year of 60’s and the starting of the 70’s, who were hopeless and fed up in their lives as there were no promotion for so many years this new scheme enlivened and enlightened them.
Having witnessed three pay commissions right from the date of their appointment without any benefit, the fed up employees were greatly enthralled by the economic upliftment in their lives by the ACP announced in the year of 1999. Though there was no up gradation in their grade (Post), they were fully contented with the rise in their basic pay-in their pay bills.
Having received Rs.3 to Rs.50 only as increment per year for the past 24 years and more, this two financial up gradation which came consequently by this new innovative scheme was a soothing balm to them.
There is no chance for the above situation to continue…!
Moreover in future there is no chance for receiving two ACP’s simultaneously…!
Other than those who have superannuated all other could have completed 30 years of service for them, there is chance of getting 3rd ACP in MACP Scheme.
All the Limited Departmental Competitive Exams designed to offer fast track promotion, should be scrapped forthwith on the ground that they do not bring any fresh talents to the system but utterly disturb the well established seniority of the existing incumbents. The seniority lists are prepared on the basis of the rank in the competitive exams over successive years. Everybody is eligible and interested for fast track promotion.
The LDCE just puts some juniors over their seniors and has been creating vast anomalies. Such exams divert the attention of the people from working in the office to preparing for the exams. After putting a certain length of service the recruits become more workaholic and they do not find ample time to prepare for LDCEs.
When a junior is allowed to become his senior through the LDCE, it leads to de-motivation, de-moralization, frustration and degradation. In other words, some juniors are allowed to take benefit (through LDCEs) at the cost of their seniors who should be given priority in the matter of promotion because of their long years of experience, dedication and motivation to work. The LDCEs do not create fresh vacancies but consumes the vacancies meant for the seniors to go up. Ultimately the LDCE nominees block the passage of the senior people to go ahead with their career.
At a time when there were no organized services, the LDCEs had their own relevance. Since almost all the services are now organized ones, the LDCEs have lost relevance and should be scrapped forthwith.
Either the grade ratio may be revised to 50% instead of 5% or time scale promotion please be recommended to Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers)
(b) All those who are initially appointed in the Group ‘C’ category ( including skilled industrial personnel), are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34500 after completion of 24 years except Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). The mazdoor, chowkidar , peon who were re-classified as LDC are getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 after completion of 24 yrs in the Group ‘C’ category. However, the mazdoors re- classified as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) are not getting the Grade pay of Rs. 4200 in the pay band 9300-34800 even after completion of 30 to 35 yrs as Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). Further, four grade structure promotion has been introduced instead of three grade structure with the grade ratio system of 30:30:35:5, which was adversely affected promotion of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers). However, the grade structure of grade II an grade I have been merged in to one grade in case of Industrial tradesmen and JEs , which was very favour to them. The Re-implementation of three grade structure in case of Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) also by merging the CMD Gde I and SPECIAL GRADE into one grade at the grade ratio of 40% and ordinary grade and grade II 30% each is very much essential.
I have completed 24 years of service on 1.3.09. I join my service in NWDA under MInistry Of water resources on 1.3.85. I got Ist ACP in Aug-99. My B.P increase fron 4500/- to 6500. Under ACP i will get GP 5400/- but under MACP i will get 4600 as at present my GP is 4200/- If i will get all 3 MACP i will not reach upto 5400/- i remain at 4800/- and my senior who complete thier 24 years before 1.9.08 will get 5400/- It is painfull. Govt has to give option for ACP or MACP and if this happened i will opt for ACP.
Another point of importance is that a govt. servant who have completed 4 years of service in the scale of 6500-10500 (pre-revised) are being allowed with a grade pay of Rs.5400 (i.e. in Postal Departmentit is already implemented) but in IA&AD it is not at all implemented. Also a clarification in this regard is long awaited from the M/o. Finance.
Is there anybody who can give answer to my queries and please tell me that when the tenure of the Anomaly Committee set by the Finance ministry ends????
Another issue is being misinterpreted by the Hon`ble CAG about the merger of grades of SO and AAO is that before recruitment rules were changed the grades were marged resulting in non counting of promotion of so to aao for the purpose of MACP.This is just unfortunate as even today recrutment rules were not changed and direct recruit of SO is going on.Then how AAO will get MACP? Please explain for IA&AD
A LDC appointed in the scale of 3050-75-3950-80-4590 used to get first ACP after the completion of 12 years in the scale of 4000-100-6000 and 2nd ACP in the scale of Rs. 6500-200-6900 as per V pay commission.
However, in above MALICIOUS ASSURED CHEATING PROGRAMME, he will get his
1. first ACP after 10 years in the scale of Rs. 3200-85-4900
2. second ACP after 20 years in the scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000, and
3. third ACP after 30 years in the scale of Rs. 4500-125-7000.
Years of service scale Grade pay LOSS
12 10 3050-75-4590 5200-20200 2400 1900 - 500
12 10 4000-100-6000 5200-20200 4200 2000 - 2200
NA 10 5200-20200 4800 2400 - 2400
Moreover, LDC will have to work in ex-cadre post in the scale of Rs. 3200-85-4900 as there is no such scale in CSCS as per V pay commission and will not be able to get promoted in CSS cadre even after serving 30 years of service.
1) Allow 1st ACP Grade pay - Rs.2400
2) Allow 2nd ACP Grade pay - Rs.2800.
3) Allow 3rd ACP Grade pay - Rs.4200
1) First fix his pay in the GP of 1900 and arrive a figure X.
2) Then fix his pay in the GP of 2000, taking into a/c X as the basic pay for further fixation.
Am I right?
Whether Amrita Insitute of Medical Sciences,Kochi,kerala is a recognised hospital for Central Govt employees treatment.
what is diffrence between Promotion
and ACP (MACP)
I am getting Grade Pay of 2400 (previously 4000 scale)in a govt. institute, my senior employee got acp of 5500/- scale accordigly Vth pay commission now they are getting Grade Pay 4200. now what is my next Grade Pay for MACP.
16-04-2013 but after the progress was not informed by you. What happens kindly inform in this site.