Attendance of Central Government Officers and Employees in Lockdown Period due to Covid-19 Pandemic – DoPT Order 14 June 2021

Attendance of Central Government Officers and Employees in Lockdown Period due to Covid-19 Pandemic – DoPT Order 14 June 2021


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi

Dated the 14th June 2021

Office Memorandum

Subject: Preventive measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Attendance of Central Government officials regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s OMs of even number dated the 6th May 2021 and 28th May 2021, mandating the Secretaries/HoDs of the Ministries/Departments/Offices to regulate the attendance of their Staff, keeping in view the COVID-positive cases and functional requirements in their offices. These orders are currently in operation till 15th June 2021 or until further orders, whichever is earlier. In view of the fact that number of COVID cases and positivity rate have reduced considerably, the matter has been considered again and decided as under :-

(i) All Government servants at the level of Under Secretary and above to attend office on all working days.

(ii) As regards Government servants of the level below Under Secretaries, 50% of such officials shall attend office on any working day and the remaining 50% shall work from home.

(iii) Persons with Disabilities and Pregnant women employees shall continue to be exempted from attending office but are required to work from home till further orders.

(iv) The officers/staff shall follow staggered timings, to avoid over-crowding in offices, as indicated below:

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(a) 9.00 A.M. to 5.30. P.M.

(b) 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM

(c) 10.00 A.M. to 6.30 P.M.

(v) All officers/ staff residing in the containment zone shall be exempted from coming to offices till the containment zone is denotified.

(vi) Those officers/ staff who are not attending office shall work from home and they should be available on telephone and other electronic means of communication at all times.

(vii) Meeting, as far as possible, shall be conducted on video-conferencing and personal meetings with visitors, unless absolutely necessary in public interest, are to be avoided.

(viii) All Officers/Staff have to ensure strict compliance with covid-appropriate behaviour viz. frequent washing of hands/ Sanitization, wearing a mask/ face cover, observing social distancing at all times and any laxity in this regard shall be viewed very seriously.

(ix) Proper cleaning and frequent sanitization of workplace, particularly of the frequently touched surfaces may be ensured. HoDs may also ensure non-crowding in corridors, canteens etc.

2. All Ministries/ Departments / Offices as well as the Central Government employees are directed to ensure strict compliance of instructions on Covid Appropriate Behavior issued by MHA, MoH&FW and DoP&T from time to time. The above instructions shall be in force w.e.f. 16-06-2021 until 30-06-2021, or until further orders, whichever is earlier. Biometric attendance shall continue to be Suspended and physical attendance registers to be maintained until further orders.


(Umesh Kumar Bhatia)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Click to view the Dopt Order in PDF format


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