Canteen Stores Department (CSD) Latest Price List of Car, Bike and Scooters
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) Price List in 2020 – Latest CSD Rate List of Maruti, Hyundai, Honda Cars and Royal Enfield, Honda, Bajaj Bikes
Car and Bike Purchase Eligibility, Benefits, Dealers and Indent Application Form through CSD
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) selling a lot of products at subsidy rates (exemption from taxes) to Army Personnel, Ex-Servicemen and their family members. 97% of the CSD products are sold to Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) and Other Ranks (ORs) through Unit Run Canteen (URC).
Contact Your Nearest CSD Dealer for Price updation: Customers are advised to check availability and rates of selected items before indent form process.