All Official communication through e-mail using

All Official communication through e-mail using - Railway Board Order
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)  

OFFICE ORDER No. 42 of 2020

Sub : Communication through e-mail

The Indian Railways Information and Communication Technology (IR ICT) Security Policy, 2019 details the information security policy that all IR units shall observe and follow. Section 17 of the Policy defines the acceptable e-mail usage in official working in sync with the Government of India’s (Gol) e-mail policy.
2. In pursuance of the same, it is brought to notice of all concerned that only the e-mail services of GoI 1.e. domain should be used for all official communications. This email service is secure with Geo-fencing feature (country-wise access control). No official communication (email) should be entered into using the e-mail @ services provided by other service providers.

3. In order to ensure un-interrupted services and also for security reasons, updation of current mobile numbers under the personal profile of users is mandatory for security reasons. The number would be used only for sending alerts and information, if any, regarding security. Auto-save of password in the e-mail service should not be resorted to for security reasons. Sharing of a user’s password with others is also strictly prohibited.

4. Public Sector Enterprises, under the administrative control of Ministry of Railways, are expected to use their corporate email accounts hosted on their servers located in India for all official communications.

5. In order to disseminate information for all users of IR network, a website : – has been hosted which contains best practices to be followed while using IT assets, various policy documents of Gol including the IR ICT security policy, advisories issued from time to time by various agencies of Gol, etc.
6. In view of the foregoing, all are requested to adhere to these instructions and all
official communications over email should only be entertained and/or entered into
through the official [@ |gov[dot]in / [@]nic[dotl]in.

No.2019/RBCC/7/7/Policy Implementation

(Rajnesh Singh)
Director M.E (C&IS)
Railway Board

Source: Indian Railway


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