Jurisdiction orders and implementation of Cadre restructuring exercise of the Income-tax Department
Jurisdiction orders and implementation of Cadre restructuring exercise of the Income-tax Department
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
ITA.I Division
North Block, New Delhi
ITA.I Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 20th June, 2014
All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income-tax,
DGIT (Int. Tax)
Dorr (Exemption), DGIT(Inv.), DGIT(I&CI),
All Principal Chief Commissioners of Income-tax,
DGIT (Int. Tax)
Dorr (Exemption), DGIT(Inv.), DGIT(I&CI),
Sub.: Jurisdiction orders and implementation of Cadre restructuring exercise of the Income-tax Department – reg.
Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to refer to the Board’s letters of even number dated 5.6.2014 and 6.6.2014 regarding information to be sent while forwarding draft jurisdiction orders to the ITA Division as a consequence of proposed restructuring. It was specifically requested that the requisite information may be e-mailed besides sending by post.
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2. However, it is observed that certain officers are visiting CBDT personally only for submitting the proposals to the Board and that too without any prior intimation.
The undersigned is directed to convey that such visits not only result in wastage of time of officers but also lead to undesirable expenditure incurred on tour. It is reiterated that the proposals and the requisite information may strictly be sent by post and the soft copy of the same may also be sent by e-mail. At present, there is no need for personal visits. Wherever any such need is felt the nodal officer would be so informed. Any clarification, if desired, could be discussed telephonically by the nodal officer or his/her team with the officers mentioned in CBDT’s letter dated 5.6.2014.
Yours faithfully,
(Surabhi Sharma)
(Surabhi Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source: www.incometaxindia.gov.in