Procedure to be followed for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee

Procedure to be followed for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee

“as provided in RRs of said posts, additional posts would be filled up only after recommendation of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC).”

Procedure to be followed for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee to implement Cadre Restructuring of General Line Cadre Posts

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(SPN-II Section)
DakBhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001,
Dated 27 May, 2019
1. All Chief Postmasters General / Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate / Parcel Directorate / PLI Directorate
3. Director, RAKNPA / GM, CEPT / Directors of all PTCg
4. Addl. Director General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
5. All General Managers (Finance) / Directors Postal Accounts / DDAP

Subject:-Procedure to be followed for promotion by Departmental Promotion Committee to implement Cadre Restructuring of General Line Cadre Posts.

Orders relating to Cadre Restructuring of General Line Cadre Posts of Post Offices were issued vide letter No. 25-04/2012-P.E. -I dated 27.05.2016. Cadre Restructuring resulted in substantial increase in the number of posts in Lower Selection Grade (LSG), Higher Selection Grade-II (HSG-II) and Higher Selection Grade-I (HSG-I), and creation of a new grade, namely HSG-I (NFG). Additional posts in the said grades are to be filled up as per the relevant Recruitment Rules. In other words, an official in a lower grade will not be placed in higher grade automatically. Therefore, as provided in RRs of said posts, additional posts would be filled up only after recommendation of Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC).

2. Aforesaid letter dated 27.05.2016, para 2 ibid, stipulated that instructions issued therein would be effective from the date of issue of the orders, i.e. 27 .05.20L6. The actual benefit would, however, be admissible to the eligible officials from the date of actual promotion.

3.Subsequently, on representation of various Staff Union/ Association, a Committee was constituted to look into issues arising out of cadre restructuring. Recommendations of the Committee accepted by the competent authority was conveyed to all concerned vide letter no. 25-04/2012-PE-I (Vol. II) dated 10.11.2017. Para 4.5 of the said letter 10.11.2017 provides as under :-

‘’4.5 Date of Effect of the Orders and completion of restructuring: ‘ For the sake of uniformity, the promotion will be effective from the date of issue of the original order dated 27.05.2016 as per existing instructions on the subject. It will be applicable to all eligible officials including those who were in service but now retired.”

4.Subsequently, vide letter No. 25-04/2012-P.E-I (Vol-III) dated 05.12.2018, following clarification was issued:

‘’3. …. these LSG, HSG-II, IISG-I and HSG-I (NFG) posts will be deemed to have been upgraded to these grades only w.e.f the dates they are filled up, i.e. from the date the promoted official assumes the charge. Otherwise, the post will remain in the lower grade.”

5.It is pertinent to mention that at present the posts of LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I are being filled up by 100% promotion from respective feeder grade. The instructions/guidelines issued by Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T) on the subject of DPCs are followed by Department of Posts. As per DOP&T’s OM No. 220lll3l9l’Estt (D) dated 13.05.1991, the number of vacancies in respect of which a panel is to be prepared by DPC should be estimated as accurately as possible. For this purpose, the vacancies to be taken into account should be the clear vacancies arising in a post Upgrade/service due to death, retirement, resignation, regular promotion, deputation and creation of additional posts.

6.As per consolidated instructions on DPC, issued by DOPT vide OM No. 22044/5/86-Estt(D) dated 10.04.1989 as amended vide OM No.22011/5/91-Estt(D) 27.03.1997, date of commencement of validity of a panel recommended for promotion shall be the date on which DPC meets and in case the DPC meets on more than one day then the last day of the meeting. Subsequently, it has also been stipulated that date of regular promotion of an officer included in a panel would he the date of validity of the or the date of actual commotion whichever is later.

7.In view of the ante provisions. order issued by Circles evens retrospective promotion w-e-f – 27 -05.2016. in accordance with Directorate letter of 10.11.2017. need to be modi6ed. The effective date of promotion in all cases be from the date of actual promotion and seniority of an official shall be counted from the date of actual norm n on regular basis subject to stimulation of inter se as Der the mode of recruitment.
  1. OM No. 22011/4/1998-Estt.(D) dated 12.10.1998 of DOPT may be perused, which provides as under:-
“…….it would not be in order, if eligible employees, who were within the zone of consideration for the relevant years but are not actually in service when the DPC is being held, are not considered while preparing year-wise zone of consideration/panel and consequently their juniors are considered (in their places) who would not have been in the zone of consideration, if the DPCG) had been held in time. This is considered imperative to identify the current zone of consideration for relevant year(s). Names of the retired officials may also be included in the panel(s). Such arctic official would have no right for actual promotion.”

9. As has been clarified in aforesaid letter dated 27.05.2016 of Establishment Division, Point 1 (e) ibid, if the revised number of posts in a particular grade is in excess of the strength existing prior to cadre restructuring, difference in number of posts would be deemed as newly created posts. Subsequently, vide aforesaid communication of 05.12.2018, it has been clarified that a post will be deemed to be in the higher grade from the date the promoted of officials actually assume charge of that post.

10.Accordingly, if a Circle had held DPC meeting during 2016-17 recruitment year for promotion to the additional posts due to cadre restructuring, the vacancies would be deemed to be created in the recruitment year 2016-17 (01.04.2016 – 31.03.2017). Similarly, if the DPC was held in subsequent recruitment years [2017(01.04.2017-31.03.2018), 2018 (01.04.2018-31.12.2018) and 2019 (01.01.2019-31.12.2019)l vacancies would be deemed to be created in that recruitment year.

11.As per prevailing instructions, DPC should be held well in advance so that a panel is approved by the time vacancy actually arises. Therefore, following this spirit of convening DPC, while considering vacancy of recruitment year 2016-17, all those officials who were in service on the commencement of the recruitment year 2016-17 (i.e.01.04.2016) should be considered by the DPC, even if the DPC is held at a later date, as explained at para 8 above. However, since actual promotion will be given only to those who are in service to assume the charge of promotional post, the DPC would also recommend an extended panel to cover the persons already retired before the date of DPC as well as the subsequent vacancies to occur in that recruitment year due to some more retirement, in accordance with DOP&T’s OM No. 220lLll8l97-Estt(D) dated 9.04.1996. A copy of model DPC meeting minute is enclosed for of reference which mad be appropriately modified as and when required.

12.The Circles are hereby directed. to take note of the above provision/instructions for appropriate action including revision of orders issued for giving promotion to additional posts due to implementation of cadre restructuring.

Encl. As stated.

Yours faithfully
(Muthuraman c)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


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