CEA Clarification on a Govt Servant Dies While in Service
CEA Clarification on a Govt Servant Dies While in Service
What is the procedure followed in granting of CEA, if a Govt servant dies while in service?
As per the consolidated instructions issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) on 16th July 2019, the answer is given below…
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A Government servant dies while in service, the Children Education Allowance or hostel subsidy shall be admissible in respect of his/her children subject to observance of other conditions for its grant provided the wife/husband of the deceased is not employed in service of the Central Govt., State Government, Autonomous body, PSU, Semi Government Organization such as Municipality, Port Trust Authority or any Other organization partly or fullly funded by the Central Govt./State Governments.
In such cases the CEA/Hostel Subsidy shall be payable to the children till such time the employee would have actually received the same, subject to the condition that other terms and conditions are fulfilled.
The payment shall be made by the office in which the Government servant was working prior to his death and will be regulated by the other conditions, laid down in this OM.
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