Work distribution and Reporting Officer arrangement of in CGA Office
Work distribution and Reporting Officer arrangement of in CGA Office
Work distribution and Reporting Officer/Link Officer arrangement of CGAs in the O/o Controller General of Accounts
No.A-2201911/2019-20/MF.CGA/Admn. /F.76/75-81
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of. Expenditure
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of. Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Room No 203, 2nd Floor, Mahalekha Niyantrak BhawanBlock — E, G.P.O. Complex, I.N.A., New Delhi-110023
Sub: Work distribution and Reporting Officer/Link Officer arrangement of CGAs in the O/o Controller General of Accounts.
Consequent upon the voluntary retirement of Shri Raju Sharan, ICAS — 1990, Jt. CGA (additional charge) w.e.f. 30.04.2019 (A.N.), Shri Harish Kumar Srivastav, Jt. CGA will look after the charge of IT Division, 0/c CGA as a part of his regular charge with immediate effect till further orders and he will report to CGA directly in respect of IT Division, 0/o CGA.
2. Shri Vijay Kumar Singh, Jt. CGA will be his link officer in r/o IT Division, 0/0 CGA.
3. This issues in partial modification of 0/0 CGA office order issued vide No. A-22019/1/2018-19/MF.CGA/Admn./F.76/837-846 dated 30.08.2018.
(Bhaskar Verma)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts (Admn.)
(Bhaskar Verma)
Jt. Controller General of Accounts (Admn.)
Copy to:-1.
1.Addl. CGA (C)/Addl. CGA (SKM)/Addl. CGA (NS)
2. All Jt. CGAs of 0/o CGA including PFMS/Dir (INGAF)/CC (Pensions).
3. All Dy. CGAs of 0/o CGA including PFMS/Jt. Dir (INGAF)/CA (CPAO).
4. All ACGAs/ACAs of 0/o CGA including PFMS
5. Sr. AO (ITD) for uploading on CGA website
6. PS to CGA :- for information
7. Guard File