Scheme of Voluntary Retirement for Central Government Employees - orders Issued on 28.07.1979
No. 25013/3/79- Estt
Government of India
Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home
Affairs/Grith Mantralaya
Department of
Personnel and Administrative Reforms
(Karmik Aur
Prashasnik Sudhar Vibhag)
New Delhi-1 dated
Subject:- Scheme of voluntary Retirement for Central
Government Employees.
The undersigned is directed to
refer to para 3 (V) of the Ministry of Home Affairs O.M No 25013/7/77-Estt (A)
dated the 26.8.77 which lays down that before a government servant gives notice
of voluntary retirement he should satisfy himself by means he has in reference to
the appropriate administrative authority that the has in fact completed 20 years
active qualifying foreseen. In order to ensure the correctness of the length of
quelling services for pension under the new scheme, it the instructions
contained in the Ministry of Finances O.M No 12(3) EVA/60 dated 6.7.1960 (copy
Hindi version will follow.
(Miss. Trikha)
Under Secy to the Number
of copies)