Scheme of Voluntary Retirement for Central Government Employees - orders Issued on 05.07.1985
25013/10/85-Estt. (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel
& Training
Reforms & Public
Grievances and
(Department of
Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated 05-07-1985
Subject: Scheme of Voluntary retirement for Central
Government Employees.
Attention of all the Ministries/Department
is invited to the provisions contained in para 3 (xiii) of the Department of
Personnel & A.R O.M No 25013/7/77-Estt. (A) dated 26.8.77 which inter-ails stipulate
that a government servant giving notice of voluntary retirement may also apply.
Before the expiry of the notice for the leave standing to his credit which may
be granted to him to run concurrently with the period of notice. Cases have
come to the notice of this department where the government servant either apply
for voluntary retirement while already being on extra ordinary leave on private
affairs or on medical grounds or they apply
for such leave during the period of the notice for voluntary retirement given
by them which is granted to them and is allowed to run concurrently with the
period of such notice. It is clarified that for the purpose of the instructions
contained in O.M to above the Extra ordinary leave of any kind cannot be termed
as leave standing to the credit of a government servant and therefore it cannot
run concurrently with the period of notice given by him for seeking voluntary retirement
2. In so far as persons serving
in the Indian audit and Accounts department are concreted these orders issue in
consultation with the consultation with the comp roll or and Auditor General of