Recommendation of the V Pay Commission- Decision relating to grant of Children Educational Assistance.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, the 12.06.1998


Subject:- Recommendation of the V Pay Commission- Decision relating to grant of Children Educational Assistance.

The undersigned is directed to say that in pursuance of the decisions taken by the Government on the recommendations made by the Fifth Central Pay Commission in paras 113.3 to 113.6 of their Report, regarding Children Educational Assistance to Central Govt. employees, the President is pleased to decide that the following modifications in Central Civil Services (Educational Assistance) Orders, 1988 issued under this Department’s OM No. 21011/21/88- Estt. (Allowances) Orders, 1988, 17.10.1988, read with OM No. 12011/4/88- Estt. (AL), dated 31.5.89, No. 12011/2/83- Estt. (AL), dated 27.12.89, No 21011/2/88- Estt. (AL), dated 3.8.90 and OM No. 12013/1/90- Estt(AL), dated 8.5.92 shall be made :-


Educational Assistance
Revised rate of payment/ limit of reimbursement of fee
(a) Children Educational Allowance (Clause 16 of the Orders)
Primary, Secondary, Hr. & Sr. Secondary Classes (I to XII)
Rs. 100/-p.m. per child
(b) Reimbursement of tuition Fee (Clauses 19 and 21 of the Orders)
(a) Class I to X
(b) Class XI to XII
(c) Class I to XII in respect of physically handicapped and mentally retarded children
Science Fee, if charged separately, will be reimbursable in addition to tuition fee in respect children studying in class IX to XII and offering science subjects
Rs. 40/-p.m. per child
Rs. 50/- p.m. per child
Rs. 100/- p.m. per child
Rs. 10/-p.m.
(C) Hostel Subsidy (Clause 22 of Orders)
Primary, Secondary, Higher & Sr. Secondary Classes (I to XII)
Rs. 300/- per child

(ii) Clause 13 of the Central Civil Service (Educational Assistance) Orders, 1988 shall be revised as follows:-

" If a Govt. servant is transferred from a station where there is no school of the requisite standard to a station where there is such school and if he was in receipt of the allowance at the former station in respect of any child, he shall continue to remain eligible for such allowance as long as the child continues to study in the same school."

(iii) Re-imbursement of Tuition Fee in case of physically handicapped/ mentally retarded child of a Government servant shall be permitted even if the institution in which the child is studying is not recognized by the Central / State Govt. or Union Territory Administration, as the case may be.

2. These orders shall be effective from 1st August , 1997

3. The other conditions as laid down in the Central Civil Service (Educational Assistance) Orders, 1988 and subsequent amendments/ orders issued from time to time would continue to apply.

4. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

5. Hindi version is enclosed.

(J. Wilson)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
To, All Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India.


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