Posting of husband and wife at the same station – Railway Board Orders

Posting of husband and wife at the same station – Railway Board Orders

Posting of husband and wife at the same station – Railway Board Issued Orders on 26th April 2019

RBE NO. 68/2019
No. E(NG)I-2019/TR/6
New Delhi, dated 26.04.2019
The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production Units.
(As per standard list).

Sub: Posting of husband and wife at the same station.

Attention is invited to Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-2009!TR/29 dated 02.02.2010 which contains detailed guidelines governing the posting of spouses at the same station . Earlier, some Zonal Railways had raised doubts about the ambiguity caused by the term “all India service” appearing in parenthesis in the Sub-heading/title of Para 3(e) of Board’s letter ibid. AIRF has also recently drawn Board’s attention to this and pointed out that this is causing confusion as regards applicability of the guidelines to Railway Servants.

2. The matter has accordingly been carefully considered by Board. The guidelines dated 02.02.2010 were issued in the context of at least one of the spouses being a Railway Servant. To remove any ambiguity/confusion regarding its applicability, it has been decided that the phrase “all India service” appearing in parenthesis in the title of para 3(e) of Board’s letter ibid should be treated as deleted. All other content of the said letter ‘remains unchanged.

Hindi version will follow.
Please acknowledge receipt.

(MJ Meena)
Deputy Director Estt (N)
Railway Board


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