Negotiation and acceptance of assistance from domestic sources for financing study by members of the All India Services - Violation of rules regarding.

No. 11020/13/2008-AIS-III (I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 27.03.2009
Chief Secretaries of all States/Union Territories

Subject: - Negotiation and acceptance of assistance from domestic sources for financing study by members of the All India Services - Violation of rules regarding.


I am directed to say the power to give cadre clearance for ex-India study leave/leave for the purpose of pursuing study abroad vests with the respective cadre controlling authorities viz., Department of Personnel and Training in respect of IAS officers, Ministry of Home Affairs in respect of IPS officers and Ministry of Environment & Forests in respect of IFS officers. The proforma for obtaining cadre clearance from this Department (copy enclosed), inter alia, seeks information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding.

2. Instructions have been issued vide this Department's letter No. 11017/18/91-AIS-III dated 01.07.1991 that in case a member of the Service proposes to receive financial assistance for higher studies from any other foreign sources other than the financial assistance provided by the institution under which he studies, prior permission of the Government would have to be taken.

3. Attention is also invited to Rule 10 of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968, which provides that no member of the Service shall, except with the previous sanction of the Government or of such authority as may be empowered in this behalf, ask for, or accept contributions to or otherwise associate himself with the raising of any fund or other collections in cash or kind in pursuance of any objective whatsoever.

4. In this respect, a few cases have come to the notice of this Department wherein members of the Service have negotiated/taken financial assistance from private bodies and other domestic organizations, not known to sponsor study programs, for financing their study programs, without the previous knowledge of the Government, thereby violating the provisions of the All India Services (Conduct) Rules as well as the All India Services (Study leave) Regulations and the instructions issued thereunder. Further, the fact of negotiating with these organizations was concealed while applying for leave.

5. It has, therefore, been decided that-

(a) No application for study leave or leave for study purposes shall be entertained unless the member of Service furnishes clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding.

(b) No member of the Service shall negotiate for financial assistance from any institution (other than the one under which he/she intends and is permitted to pursue study) without the prior approval of the Government. Violation of this provision will make the member of Service liable for disciplinary action.

(c) State Governments/Central Ministries/Departments, who are competent to grant study leave within Inaja, shall ensure, before granting the leave that the member of the Service has given clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding.

(d) Before recommending the case of ex-India study leave/leave for study abroad to the respective cadre controlling authorities viz., the State Governments/Central Ministries/Departments shall ensure that the member of the Service has given clear information on expenditure (including travel, hospitality etc.), sources of funding and details of agencies bearing funding. In the absence of clear details, cadre clearance shall not be given.

6. It is requested that contents of this letter may please be brought to the notice of all the AIS officers.

(Harjot Kaur)
Director (Services)
Tel: 23093591


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