NC JCM meeting held on 16.5.2019: Agenda and Discussion Points

NC JCM meeting held on 16.5.2019: Agenda and Discussion Points

NC JCM (Staff Side) meeting with Secretary, Ministry of Health & FW on 16-05-2019

Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E Mail : @
Ph.: 23382286
May 16, 2019

Dear Comrades,

A meeting with the Staff Side of the National Council JCM under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Ministry of Health & FW was held today at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. The Staff Side was represented by Comrades Shiva Gopal Mishra, Guman Singh, KKN Kutty, C. Srikumar, M.S. Raja and R. Parashar. The following agenda points were taken up for discussion and the decisions taken are given below for your information.

Item No.1
Agenda Point: Non grant of 90% Medical Advance for all type of treatments by the Audit Authorities in the Ministry of Defence in violation of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Letter No. S. 14025/I 8/2015-MS/EHSS dated 17.10.2016

Decision: It was clarified by the Official Side that 90% advance even in the case of other than package can be made to the employees as per Ministry of Health OM dated 17.10.2016. In case the Accounts Authorities of the MOD is not allowing the same the MOD may be requested to refer the matter to Ministry of Health .

Item No.2
Agenda Point: Review of ward entitlement for Central Government Employees
Decision: It was agreed to reconsider the wage limit for Ward entitlement and also to streamline the same as per the 7th CPC pay matrix.

Item No.3
Agenda Point: Withdrawal of the condition imposed in Ministry of Health OM No. S.14011/1/73-M.C., dated 23rd August, 1973 with regard to diabetic treatment.

Decision: The condition to produce certificate from DMO/ Civil surgeon for continuing the treatment for diabetics etc. has been removed and any Government Doctor can issue certificate in this regard.

Item No.4
Agenda Point: Review of package rate for Organ Transplantation

Decision: The actual cost of organ transplantation will be considered depending on merit of each individual case

Item No.5
Agenda Point: In-patient treatment m Hospitals without going through the AMA.
Decision: The Ministry of Health OM dated 2nd May 1953 will be re-circulated to all the Ministries which permits the in-patient treatment without AMA sanction

Item No.6
Agenda Point: Reimbursement of preventive Vaccination charges

Decision: This is a policy matter which Government will have to decide

Item No.7
Agenda Point: Emergency Treatments in CGHS recognized Hospitals.
Decision: At present the CGHS beneficiary can directly approach the recognized hospital with the CGHS Card without any referral memo. The proposal of the Staff Side to avoid hardship to the patient for subsequent dealings with the CGHS Wellness centre would be considered the concerned hospitals will be asked to get the approval of the concerned dispensary doctor.

Item No.8
Agenda Point: Reimbursement of Medical expenses not covered under the CGHS Package Rates.

Decision: Steps are being taken to revise the CGHS packages and at that time the inclusion of new procedure etc would be considered.

Item No.9
Agenda Point: Issue of Medicines to CS(MA) beneficiaries availing inpatient treatment in CGHS recognized Hospitals.

Decision: Not agreed. CS(MA) beneficiaries has to get reimbursement of the Expenses
Item No.10

Agenda Point: Permission / Ex-post facto approval for elective treatment / investigation taken in non-empanelled Hospitals / Diagnostic Centers for CS(MA) beneficiaries at par with CGHS beneficiaries.

Decision: Not Agreed
Item No.11

Agenda Point: Treatment of dependents of the deceased Employees / Employees who have taken voluntary retirement / premature retirement / medical invalidation / compulsory retirement etc.
Decision: Provisional CGHS Card will be issued to the above category of employees based on the Last Pay Certificate

Item No.12
Agenda Point: Opening of CGHS Dispensaries in AGRA, Barrackpore (Kolkata) and Kochi
Decision: Government orders are already issued in this regard. As regards Kochi, Kozhikode and Kannur steps are taken to acquire accommodation for the wellness Centre. At Kochi the BSNL Quarters have been identify. Formalities to access the same is under way. The doctor shortage of Agra would be looked in to. At present Barrackpore wellness Centre is functioning as an extension counter. Depending upon its utility the demand for establishing the same as a permanent wellness centre would be considered.

Item No.13
Agenda Point: Central Government health Scheme. Empanelling of hospitals – streamlining the procedure to provide in-patient treatment to the beneficiaries.

Decision: More than Rs. 300 crores are due to the hospitals are being cleared and under way to clear the same. steps are taken to streamline the payment procedure for the Hospitals
Item No.14

Decision: Not Agreed
Item No.15
Agenda Point: Direct consultation with Specialists in CGHS/Central Government/State Government Hospitals /Polyclinics. Continuation of the facility to those CGHS beneficiaries who were eligible for direct consultation before revision of the Monetary Ceiling

Decision: The monetary ceiling is already removed
Item No.16
Agenda Point: Revision of monetary Ceiling for direct consultation with Specialists in CGHS/ Central Government/ State Government Hospitals /Polyclinics in respect of Pensioners and Family Pensioners.

Decision: The monetary ceiling is already removed
Item No.17
Agenda Point: Plastic Cards

Decision: Settled
Item No.18
Agenda Point: Indication of Ward entitlement in plastic cards of pre-1-6-2009 Beneficiaries

Decision: Would be considered
Item No.19
Agenda Point: Grant of one time option to CGHS Beneficiaries to opt for ward entitlement as per their revised Pay in Pay Band.

Decision: Would be considered
Item No.20
Agenda Point: Provision of CGHS facility for life time to dependent disabled/mentally retarded children of Central Government Employees/Pensioners

Decision: Agreed to consider the demand in consultation with Department of Expenditure
Item No.21
Agenda Point: Extension of CGHS facilities to retired BSNL employees – follow up action by the Ministry of Health and family Welfare & fixation of rates of contribution & ward entitlement.

Decision: Settled
The remaining twelve fresh agenda points would be discussed later. The Health Ministry will fix the date for the said meeting.

The issue of inadequacy of CGHS empanelled hospitals at Mumbai was seriously discussed in the meeting. After discussion the official side agreed to re visit the issue considering the difficulties being faced by the Central Government Employees posted in Mumbai it was also agreed that the demand of the Staff Side for establishing a Central Government Hospital at Mumbai would be considered again and the proposal of the Staff Side to locate the said hospital at Antop Hills was favourably responded.

With Greetings,
Yours Comradely,
(Shva Gopal Mishra)


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