Joint Consultative Machinery - Participation of Class IV employees working in Ministry/Departments, in the Departmental Council of Ministry of Home Affairs (now DP & Training).

No. 1/2/64-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs

New Delhi-11, the 11th March, 1964/21st Phalguna, 1885


SUBJECT:- Joint Consultation and Compulsory Arbitration Scheme for Central Government employees - Participation of Class IV employees working in Ministry/Departments, in the Departmental Council of Ministry of Home Affairs (now DP & Training).

The undersigned is directed to refer to Item No. 6 of the statement of clarifications appended to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. 1/2/64-JCA, dated 14th January, 1964, on the above subject and to say that it has since been decided that Class IV staff in the Attached Offices which are included Offices for Central Sectt. Service, Central Sectt. Stenographer Service and Central Sectt. Clerical Service will also have representation on the Departmental Council to be set up in the Ministry of Home Affairs for Central Secretariat Services and other comparable services.

Under Secy. To the Govt. of India


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