Joint Consultative Machinery - Procedure for processing the cases where disagreement is recorded on non-arbitrable items – regarding

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, the 3rd March, 1990


Joint Consultation & Compulsory Arbitration - Procedure for processing the cases where disagreement is recorded on non-arbitrable items – regarding -

In terms of para 13 of the Scheme for Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), the Government is required to take action according to its own judgment on the items which are non-arbitrable. As per the established convention, the Staff Side, if they so desire, can place their view points before a Committee of Ministers, consisting of the Minister, administratively concerned with the subject, the Labour Minister and the Home Minister (now the Minister in-charge of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions). This Department had issued instructions, as contained in the O.M.No.3/72/82-JCA, dated the 16th January, 1983, wherein it was provided that all references for arranging the meetings of the Committee of Ministers to discuss the non-arbitrable items may be routed through the JCA Division of this Department.

2. The matter has since been considered afresh and it has been decided that instead of routing their references through the JCA Division of the Department of Personnel and Training, the concerned Ministries/Departments would arrange meetings of the Committee of Ministers on the non-arbitrable items concerning their Departmental Councils.



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