Joint Consultative Machinery - Nomination In respect of C.S.S. etc
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
( Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms )
Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
( Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms )
New Delhi, dated the 17th January, 1978.
Subject:-Scheme for Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration – Office Council – Nomination In respect of C.S.S. etc.
As the Ministry of Finance, etc. are aware, in accordance with the instructions contained in para 2 of Department of Personnel and A.R. O.M. No.5/10/71-JCA, dated 21st November, 1972, nominations to the Staff Side of an Office Council should be from amongst the staff of the Office / establishment for which the Office Council has been constituted under Clause 6 of the Scheme for Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration or from amongst the honourably retired employees or ex-employees of that office / establishment who may be permitted by Government to be members of the Office Council. However, in order to enable the common service problems of each cadre of the decentralised Central Secretariat Services being discussed in the Office council of the cadre authority ( main Ministry / Department controlling the cadre ), it was decided vide this Department’s O.M.No.2/9/73-CS(IV), dated the 20th December, 1973 that the recognised staff Associations representing the CSS categories of staff, i.e. staff of Central Secretariat Service, Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service and Central Secretariat Clerical Service, may be allowed to nominate their representatives to the Office Council of the cadre authority from among the staff working in any of the offices included in the CSS cadre and not necessarily only from the staff working in the office of the cadre authority.
2. It has been represented by the Staff Side of the Departmental Council of the Department of Personnel and A.R. that the present procedure to discuss common service problems of each cadre of the CSS in the office council of the cadre authority has not been effective. In pursuance of the discussions held in that Departmental procedure to discuss common service problems of each cadre of the Council, it has now been decided that in partial modification of the existing procedure, wherever the C.S. cadre ( C.S.S., C.S.S.S., C.S.C.S. ) comprises offices other than those of the cadre authority itself, one representative each of the Staff Side of the Office Council of the Units participating in that cadre should be asked to attend the meetings of the office council of the cadre authority. Such special invitees would be allowed to participate in the discussions in the meeting of the Office Council of the cadre authority only on items pertaining, to that cadre of the CSS/CSCS/CSSS as a whole and not in respect of other matters which fall exclusively within the jurisdiction of the office Council of the cadre authority. For this purpose, as soon as the agenda for the meeting of the office Council of the office of the cadre authority is settled, the cadre authority may write to its individual units for obtaining the names of the representatives of the appropriate Staff side of the respective office councils of the units who would be attending the meetings of the Office Council of the office of the cadre authority. The representatives in question would be chosen by the Staff Sides of the respective office Council, in the individual units and intimation of the names would be made to the administrative office of the cadre authority through the respective administration of the participating units. The Office Councils, if they so choose, can also nominate a representative, for such time till he is replaced later by another, instead of nominating a representative on each occasion to serve in the office council of the cadre authority when common service problems of the cadre are discussed in the office council of the office of the cadre authority.