Joint Consultative Machinery - Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held in November, 1975

Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
( Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms )

New Delhi, the 20th January, 1976.


Subject:-Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held in November, 1975 – Joint Nomination by more than one Association/Union to single seat.

The undersigned is directed to say that as the Ministry of Finance etc. are aware, Clause 7(i) of the JCM Scheme stipulates that members of the Staff Side of the National Council should be nominated by recognised Associations/ Unions. The Constitution of the National Council does not specify the manner in which nominations are to be made to a single seat by more than one Association / Union. The practice heretofore has been to ask for unanimous nominations jointly by all the concerned Associations / Unions to the seat(s) in question. There have been instances where, due to lack of unanimity among concerned Associations etc. to make the Joint nominations, the seat(s) in question having been lying vacant resulting in the respective categories of employees not being represented in the Council. The matter was placed before the National Council as its meeting held on the 21st and 22nd November, 1975 with a view to resolving it in consultation with the Staff Side. The National Council decided that where joint nominations are required to be made by more than one recognised Association / Union to a single (or group of ) seat(s) on the Staff Side of the National Council and where no unanimity became possible, the nomination(s) may be made on the principle of majority, by the concerned members of the Staff Side of the respective Departmental Council (s) subject to the following conditions:-

The Departmental Council members would chose, by the principle of majority, only from among the nominees of the Associations / Unions in question, and

The choice would be made only bv those members of the Staff Side of the Departmental Council who represent the Unions or Associations grouped together for making a joint nomination to the Staff Side of the National Council.

2. The above decision of the National Council is brought to the notice of the Ministries / Departments etc. for their guidance.

Under Secretary to the Government of India


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