Joint Consultative Machinery - GOI decisions (O.M. NO. 1/2/64-JCA, dated 1-1-1964)
Joint Consultative Machinery - GOI decisions (O.M. NO. 1/2/64-JCA, dated 1-1-1964)
GOI decision
The Staff Side would speak through their Leader and they should iron-out their differences, if there are any, before their proposals could be considered. (O.M. NO. 1/2/64-JCA, dated 1-1-1964).
6.6 The Official and Staff Side may each appoint its Secretary or Secretaries from amongst its representatives.
Conduct of business in the Joint Councils
Frequency of Meetings
7.1.1 The ordinary meetings of the Council shall be held as often as necessary, and not less than once in four months. A notice of an ordinary meeting shall be sent to all members not less than fifteen days before the date of the meeting.
7.1.2 As far as may be possible, the date of the next ordinary meeting shall be fixed at each meeting of the Council.
7.1.3 Meetings of the Joint Council at Office level shall be held at least once in two months.
7.1.4 A special meeting of the Council may be called by the Chairman on his own or on a request from either the Official Side or from the Leader of the Staff Side. A notice of such a meeting shall be sent to all members not less than then days before the date of meeting.