FAQ on Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM)

FAQ on Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM)

What is Joint Consultative Machinery?
What is the applicability of the JCM Scheme?
What is the structure of the Joint Councils under the JCM Scheme?
How are staff side members selected for various Joint Councils?
What is the time schedule for holding meetings of the National/Departmental Councils?
How recognition is granted to the staff associations?
What are the facilities available to recognised associations?
What will happen if there is no agreement between the staff and the official side?
What are the issues on which arbitration is possible?
Is the award given by the Board of Arbitration binding on the parties?


1. What is Joint Consultative Machinery?

The scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery is a platform for constructive dialogue between the representatives of the staff side and the official side for peaceful resolution of all disputesbetween the Government as employer and the employees. Thescheme was introduced in 1966 with the objectives of promotingharmonious relations and securing the greatest measure ofcooperation between the Central 1 Government as the employerand the employees in matters of common concern and with theobject of further increasing the efficiency of the public servicecombined with the well being of those employed. The scheme isa non statutory one mutually agreed upon between the staffside and the official side.

2. What is the applicability of the JCM Scheme?

The scheme covers all regular civil employees of the CentralGovernment, except:(a)The Class -I services;(b)The Class-II services, other than the Central SecretariatServices and the other comparable services in theheadquarters organisation of the Government;(c) Persons in industrial establishments employed mainly inmanagerial or administrative capacity, and those who beingemployed in supervisory capacity drawing salary goingbeyond grade pay of Rs.4200/- per month;(d)Employees of the Union Territories; and(e)Police personnel.

3. What is the structure of the Joint Councils under theJCM Scheme?

The scheme provides for setting up of Joint Councils at theNational, Departmental and Regional / Office levels. TheNational Council, chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, is the apexbody.

4. How are staff side members selected for various Joint Councils?

The representatives of the staff side for various Joint Councilsare chosen / selected from members of the recognized serviceassociations/ unions.

5. What is the time schedule for holding meetings of the National / Departmental Councils?

As per the JCM Scheme, ordinary meeting of the National Council/ Departmental Council may be held as often as necessary as but not less than once in four months.

6. How recognition is granted to the staff associations?

The Department of Personnel & Training being the nodal department for matters relating to Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration, has notified Central Civil Services(Recognition of Associations) Rules, 1993 for the purpose of granting recognition to various service associations.Recognition is actually granted by the concerned Ministry/Department in accordance with the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993.In case of any doubt or confusion, the matter is referred tothe JCA Section of the Department of Personnel & Training for clarification/ advice.

7. What are the facilities available to recognised associations?

The recognized associations/ unions enjoy certain facilities like:(a) Negotiations with the employer;(b)Correspondence and meetings with the head of the administrative departments;(c)Provision of accommodation for the associations subject toavailability;(d)Facility of special casual leave up to 20 days in a year to theoffice bearers of the associations.(e)Payment of T.A/ D.A for attending officially sponsoredmeetings; and(f) Facility of seeking transfer of Chief Executive of the Union /association to the Headquarters of the appropriate head ofadministration.

8. What will happen if there is no agreement between thestaff and the official side?

If there is no agreement between the staff and the official sideon an arbitrable issue, then the matter is to be referred to theBoard of Arbitration if so desired by the staff side.

9. What are the issues on which arbitration is possible?

The arbitration is limited to the following issues:(a) Pay and allowances;(b)Weekly hours of work ; and(c) Leave
10.Is the award given by the Board of Arbitration binding on the parties

The award given by the Board of Arbitration is binding on the Government as well as the staff side subject to the over riding authority of the Parliament. The award can be modified/rejected only with the approval of the Parliament through aformal resolution on grounds affecting national economy or social justice.


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