Specific Preparatory action for Heat Wave season-2019
Specific Preparatory action for
Heat Wave season-2019
Government of India
Policy & Plan Division
NDMA Bhawan. A-1, .9eiidarjung Enclave
New Delhi-110 029
Tele -Fax No. 26701840
F. No.1-5012018-PP (pt. II)
Dated: 18.02.2019
Secretaries of Ministries of Govt. of India
(As per List Attached)
Subject: Specific Preparatory action for Heat Wave season -2019
Heat wave is amongst the most critical extreme weather events in many countries. According lo a recent report released by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming of 1.5’C-2’C is going to worsen the situation Ip the cities, along with unavoidable poverty and health risks That come with global warming. ln recent years, India also witnessed increasing trend of severe heal wave conditions during March-June period ln 2015.9 States were affected by heat waves Subsequently 19 States recorded high temperature leading lo heal-wave conditions in the year 2018. This year also. Scientists have indicated that there will be a rise in temperature, with increased chances of stronger or more severe heat waves
2. National Disaster Management Authority had issued revised Guidelines for. preparation of Action Plan Prevention and Management of Heat-Wave’ in 2017 for addressing the issues al broader level undertaking activities by all Stakeholders in their respective areas to reduce the negative impact of extreme heat-wave conditions. The role of Ministries / Department of Govt. of India in mitigating the effect of heat wave as per the guidelines is attached as annexure.
3. In the past few years, many Central Ministries/Departments have prepared Heat Action plan and implemented them. Intense and sustained efforts by all the stakeholders, including regular follow-up through Video conferences, wide publicity of early warning, awareness generation among people though a range of IEC activities mentioning Dos & Don’ts resulted in significant reduction in mortality due to heat wave from 2,040 in 2015 to 1,111 in 2016. Mortality due to heal wave further reduced to 384 in 2017 . ln 2018 only 25 deaths were reported. ln The light of the recent progress made and to continue with this momentum. we need to consolidate the progress we have made and further improve our heal wave preparedness in 2019
4. It is, therefore, requested that Preparatory Actions for mitigating the effects of heat wave as per NDMA Guidelines, attached as Annexure, may be taken to further improve the heat wave preparedness for 20 19.
Yours faithfully
(Alice Kujur)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
(policyplan@ndma.gov. in)