Revised entitlement of Privilege Passes – NFIR
Revised entitlement of Privilege Passes – NFIR
Revised entitlement of Privilege Passes – Status-cum-Grade Pay basis – NFIR’s PNM Item No.11/2013
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
New Delhi, dated 22.03.2019
The General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road
New Delhi-110055.
Sub: NFIR’s PNM ItemNo. 11/2013.
Ref: Your letterNo. V1512018 dated 25.01.2019
Dear Sir,
With reference to your above cited letter, it is stated that the demand contained in NFIR’s PNM Item No.11/2013 was examined repeatedly in the past and found not feasible for acceptance.
The decision taken pursuant to implementation of 6th CpC recommendation to switch over to “status-cum-Grade Pay” basis for entitlement of passes cannot be changed now, particularly when the revised entitlement linking Pay Level in Pay Matrix on the basis of 7th CPC has also been issued. Moreover, taking into account the date of appointment and notional basic pay prevailed in 5th CPC of each employee, in addition to the extant criteria before issue of pass, is neither feasible nor logical.
The position was also indicated in the meeting held with NFIR on 09.02.2018 and it was agreed therein to close the item. A copy of Minutes of the said meeting with NFIR issued vide Board’s letter No. 2017/E(LR)I/NM1-10 dated 19.02.2018 is also enclosed for ready reference.
Yours faithfully,
For Secretary/Railway Board