Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

Music and Dance Competition for wards of Central Government Employees

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

Room No.361, B Wing,
Floor Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 22.04.2019

Sub: Music and Dance competition for wards of Central Government Employees
Central Civil Services Cultural & Spons Board proposes to organise the Music and Dance competition for wards of Civilian Central Employees working at New Delhi at C.S.O.I. Auditorium on 21-22 May, 2019. The entry for the competition should be sent in the form to the Board’s Office latest by 15th May, 2019 at Room No. 361, 3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 or by email at

2. The Competition will in held in the following categories:

S.No.CategoryAge CategoriesBorn BetweenDuration
1Instrumental Music05-08 Years15.05.2011 To 14.05.20143-5 Minutes
2Classical Music (Light+ Vocal)09-12 Years15.05.2007 To 14.05.20103-5 Minutes
3Folk Music09-12 Years15.05.2007 To 14.05.20103-5 Minutes
1Folk Dance13-16 Years15.05.2003 To 14.05.20063-5 Minutes
2Western Dance13-16 Years15.05.2003 To 14.05.20063-5 Minutes
3Classical Dance13-16 Years15.05.2003 To 14.05.20063-5 Minutes
5. For further queries, Ms. Neelu Suri (9910983139) Convener, CCSCSB (Music, Dance and Short Play) may be contacted.4. Decision of the judges will final and no appeal against their decision would be entertained.

6. The circular may be given wide publicity.

(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCSB)


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