List of New Office Bearers of FNPO
List of New Office Bearers of FNPO
List of new office bearers of Federation of National Postal Organisations elected in the Federal Congress of FNPO held from 24th to 26th February, 2019
No. 17/1/2017-SR
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi- 110001
Dated 8th April 2019
1.All Heads of Postal Circle.
2.All Postmasters General
3.Director of Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad (UP)
4.CGM, PLI Directorate, Chankyapuri PO, New Delhi
5.CGM, (BD&M) Directorate, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi
6.Postmaster General, Foreign Mails, Mumbai
7.All Directors, Postal Training Centres.
8.Directors Foreign Mails, Chennai, Kolkata and Delhi
9.All Directors/Dy. Directors of Accounts (Postal)
Subject: List of new office bearers of Federation of National Postal Organisations elected in the Federal Congress of FNPO held from 24th to 26th February, 2019 at Udupi (Karnataka)
I am directed to state the fresh election of Federation of National Postal Organisation has been conducted and a list of new office bearers elected in the Federal Congress of FNPO held from 24th to 26th February, 2019 at Udupi (Karnataka) is as under:-
Name of the office Bearer (Shri/Smt)
Official Designation & Working Place
1.Sh. N. K. Tyagi
S/A, HRO RMS, SH DN, Saharanpur, (UP Circle)
Working President
1.Sh. Sivaji Vasireddy
Account, Narasaraopet HO, AP 522601 (AP Circle)
Vice Presidents
1. Sh. Kaushik Chakraborty
PA Dharmatla SO, Kolkata (WB Circle)
2. Sh. A. K. Solanki
Sorting Postman, Manel, Baug PO, Ahmedabad – 730015
(Gujarat Circle)
3. Sh. Ranjit P. Gohil
HRO, A.M. DN, RMS, Ahmedabad- 380002, Gujarat
(Gujarat Circle)
4. Sh. T. K. Govind Rajan
Section Supervisor (Mails), C/o CPMG, Tamil Nadu
Circle, Anna Road, HO Bldg, Chennai – 600002 (Tamil Nadu Circle)
Secretary General
1. Sh. T. N. Rahate
Postman, tank Road Po, Mumbai- 400033 (Maharashtra
Dy. Secretary General
1. sh. B. Shivakumar
PA, Basavanaggudi HO, Bangalore-560004, (Karnataka
Asstt. Secretaries General
1. Sh. Nisar N. Mujawar
Postman, Kolhapur HO- 416003 (Maharashtra Circle)
2. Sh. R. H. Gupta
Dy. P.M, Mandvi PO, Mumbai – 400003, (Maharashtra
3. Smt. Soma Ghosh
Postmen, Kalighat PO, Kolkata-700026, (W. B. Circle)
4. Sh. R. Saravanan
APM Tiruvannamali HO, TN-606601, ((Tamil Nadu
5. Sh. Avinash Kumar Singh
Sorting Assistant, HRO, RMS PT DN, Patna, Bihar
(Bihar Circle)
Finance Secretary
1. Sh. Jagdish Sharma
MTS, IPHO, New Delhi- 110002, (Delhi Circle)
Asstt. Finance Secretary
1. Sh. Balachandra K.R.
MTS, Udupi HO – 576101, Karnataka, (Karnataka
2. This is For information and taking necessary action as per existing instruction on the subject.
Yours faithfully,
(Sekhar Ranjan Amin)
Director (SR & Legal)
Source: FNPO