Appointment of Nodal Officer in Ministry of Finance

Appointment of Nodal Officer in Ministry of Finance

Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance

Room No. 264-8, North Block,
New Delhi, the 4th April,2019

Subject: Appointment of Nodal CPIO for RTI Applications and Appeals-reg

The undersigned is directed to refer to RTI Cell’s Note dated 26.i.2019 on the above mentioned subject and to state that Shri Shiv Ram Meena, Deputy Secretary (RTl ),Department of Expenditure has been appointed as Nodal Central Public information Officer for RTI matters in the Ministry of Finance.

2. lt is further stated that the role of the Nodal officer for RTI in the Ministry of Finance would be limited to receiving the RTI applications/ appeals addressed to Ministry of Finance and forwarding the same to the concerned CPIOs in all the Departments under the Ministry of Finance.

(S. K. Biswas)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph: 2309 5695


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