MACP Bench Mark – High Court of Delhi Circular
MACP Bench Mark – High Court of Delhi Circular
(Establishment-1 Branch)
In partial modification of Circular No.60B/E-10/Estt-1/DHC dated 17.08.2017, it is hereby circulated for information of all concerned that O.M, F.No.35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 27/28.09.2016, issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personal & Training, New Delhi, regarding upgradation of benchmark from “Good” under the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS), is applicable w.e.f. 1st January, 2018. The required grading of “Very Good” will be applicable only in respect of ACRs from the current year, i.e. 2017 onwards. For earlier years of “Good” upto the grade pay of Rs.6500/-(pre-revised) will be treated as qualifying/ eligibility criteria for the benefit under the MACP Scheme.
(Shekhar Chandra)
Joint Registar (Estt.)
(Shekhar Chandra)
Joint Registar (Estt.)
Endst. No.2623-33/E-9/Estt-1/DHC
Copy forwarded for Information to:
1.The Pay& Accounts Officer-XX1. Delhi High Court, New Delhi
2.All Reqistars/OSDs
3.Joint Registrar-cum-Secretary to Hon’ble the Acting Chief Justice.
4.All Joint Registres.
5.Deputy Registrar-cum-P.A to Registrar General
6.All Deputy Registrars
7.The Deputy Registar (Budget & Accounts).
8.Joint Director for uploading the instant Circular on the intranet of this Court.
9.All Assitant Registrars.
10.All AOJs/CMs/ Private Secretaries
11.Admin. Order file
12.Guard file.
Copy forwarded for Information to:
1.The Pay& Accounts Officer-XX1. Delhi High Court, New Delhi
2.All Reqistars/OSDs
3.Joint Registrar-cum-Secretary to Hon’ble the Acting Chief Justice.
4.All Joint Registres.
5.Deputy Registrar-cum-P.A to Registrar General
6.All Deputy Registrars
7.The Deputy Registar (Budget & Accounts).
8.Joint Director for uploading the instant Circular on the intranet of this Court.
9.All Assitant Registrars.
10.All AOJs/CMs/ Private Secretaries
11.Admin. Order file
12.Guard file.
Source: Confederation