Deferring of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018

Deferring of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018
We have already briefed you regarding our discussions held with the Member Staff, Railway Board, and other officials of the Railway Board, on 4th December, 2018, brief of the discussions held on 4th and 5th December, 2018, is also enclosed herewith……

All India Railwaymen’s Federation

Dated: December 4, 2018

The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades,

Sub: Deferring of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018

We have already briefed you regarding our discussions held with the Member Staff, Railway Board, and other officials of the Railway Board, on 4th December, 2018, brief of the discussions held on 4th and 5th December, 2018, is also enclosed herewith:-

The Member Staff, Railway Board, had persistently requested us and also sent us a communication (Railway Board’s letter No.2018/E(LR)II/NM 1-9 dated 05.12.2018) in writing that the items raised by AIRF are under very active consideration of the Railway Board, but need some time, therefore, we should withdraw our call of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018.

After prolonged discussions, between the Railway Board as well as with the Zonal General Secretaries, and in consultation with the President AIRF, it has been decided that, the proposed call of “Work To Rule”, scheduled from 11th December, 2018, should be deferred for the time being and we should wait for some time for the outcome of the assurances given by the Railway Board.

I know that, all of you had worked round-the-clock for mobilizing the Railwaymen to prepare them for “Work To Rule”. Now, it has become more important to reach each and every Railwayman for thanking them for creating the tempo as well as we should also inform them about the assurances given by the Railway Board, based on the brief of 4-5 December, 2018, sent to you.

With lots of greetings,

Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Source: AIRF


1. Implementation of four grade structure, in the ratio of 10:20:20:50, in the case of Trackmen/ Track Maintainers – Member Staff informed that, four grade structure, in the ratio of 10:20:20:50, is approved by the Full Board, and the file was put-up to Hon’ble MR for his approval. Hon’ble MR wanted certain clarifications from the Engineering Directorate, and the same has been submitted by the said Directorate for approval of Hon’ble MR.

2. Revision of the rates of Running Allowance and other Allowances related to Running Staff – After lengthy discussions; the Member Staff informed that, the file is put-up to Hon’ble MR for his approval, and after his approval, the file would be sent to the MoF. It was informed by the Member Staff, Railway Board, that the concerning file is with Hon’ble MR for his approval.

Continuance of the LARSGESS – It was informed to AIRF that, the Railway Board have revisited the scheme, and the same will be submitted to Hon’ble Supreme Court in consultation with the Solicitor General, Government of India. Hon’ble Supreme Court has granted one-month time to the Railway Ministry for filing reply.

2. Advancement of prospects of the staff working in erstwhile GP Rs.1800 and GP Rs.4600- After prolonged discussions, Member Staff, Railway Board, agreed with the views of AIRF that, there is stagnation of the staff working in erstwhile GP Rs.1800. AIRF has suggested that 50% posts in GP Rs.1800 should be upgraded to GP Rs.1900 to provide advancement to the staff, so that, the benefit to the staff who is stagnated in GP Rs.1800 for a long period, can be extended. AIRF has also pointed out that, 10% posts of DR Quota in various categories should be converted into LDCE and promotional benefits should be given to the higher educated staff of various categories, including Track Maintainers. This should be in addition to LDCE Quota, already provided in the respective categories.

3. Non-revision of rates of Incentive Bonus/Bonus Factor and PCO Allowance paid to Technical Staff and Supervisors of the PUs and Maintenance Workshops – It was assured by the Railway Board that a concluded final proposal will be given to the Federation within a week, and a meeting to finalize the revised rates of Incentive Bonus/Bonus Factor will be called for soon.

4. Upgradation of the Apex level of Group `C’ to Group `B’ – AIRF insisted that, powers are vested with the Railway Board to grant upgradation for the apex grade Supervisors to Group `B’. This was also confirmed by the Finance Secretary(Exp.) on the previous occasion, and the minutes of the said meeting given to the Railway Board. In spite of that, the matter is dragged by the Railway Board by sending proposal to the MoF. The Federation(AIRF) insisted that, decision should be taken at the Railway Board level itself. Member Staff directed the AM(S) to put-up all the particulars, including the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee(JCM) for taking a decision as Railway Board primarily agreed to give Gazetted status to the Supervisors working in GP Rs.4800 and Rs.5400. The Federation(AIRF) insisted that, as per the Act and Codal Provisions as well as Transaction of Business Rules, the powers are vested in the Railway Ministry and they should not run to the DoP&T and MoF.

5. Regularization of the Act Apprentices in Railways – AIRF demanded that, all the Act Apprentices imparted training in the Railways should be absorbed in the Railways. It was explained to the Member Staff that the orders were available previously, but unfortunately, Board have issued orders on 20.06.2016 and implemented the orders with back date, depriving the Act Apprentices from the absorption in the Railways. The Federation demanded that, new Apprentices Act, passed by the Parliament, has given full powers to decide procedure for absorption of these Act Apprentices. Federation demanded that, Screening Type system should be adopted for absorption of the Act Apprentices. The Member Staff agreed to study the problem after finalization of the present RRC examination.

6. Engagement of the Act Apprentices in Railways – AIRF demanded that, the old practice, prevailing in various Workshops/Divisions, should be continued. The AM(Staff) assured to examine the issue and necessary instructions will be issued.

7. Restructuring of the IT Cadre – After prolonged discussions Board was agreed with the view of AIRF that restructuring should be carried out on the sanctioned strength and not on the role. Similarly, vacant posts in the cadre will not be freezed as was instructed in the earlier notification of restructuring of the cadre. The principle of “Financial Neutrality” will be adopted as followed in other cadre restructuring. It was also agreed that, looking the various aspects of GST, Digitalization and wide scope of the IT Cadre related solutions, there is a need of cadre strengthening of the IT Cadre over the Indian Railways.

8. NPS – The Board apprised that, earlier proposal sent by the Railway Board to the MoF was returned unapproved, giving example of the Paramilitary Forces as also huge strength of the Railwaymen. AIRF insisted that the proposal, reflecting the sensitive working of the Railwaymen, should again be sent to MoF, which was agreed to by the Official Side(Railway Board).

9. Quasi – After prolonged discussions Board agreed to re-examine the issue.
10. Hard Duty and Risk Allowance to various categories of staff – The Board apprised the Federation(AIRF) that, a comprehensive proposal, covering various Safety Categories, is under consolidation, as suggested by AIRF. The matter will be referred to the MoF later.

11.Duty Hours of Running and other Safety Categories Staff – After prolonged discussions, Member Staff apprised the Federation(AIRF) that the present recruitment process is in active mode and a panel is expected by the end of February 2019 or so, and thus the problem of the Running Staff as well as Safety Categories Staff will come to an ease since it is due to shortage of the staff because of no recruitments in past few years. On the demand of AIRF, the Member Staff agreed to send the roadmap for future recruitment. He also informed that, in future, all Group `C’ recruitments through RRB will be dealt by the Zonal Railways with their respective RRBs directly. He also conceded the demand of AIRF about delegating the powers for recruitment of the staff in GP Rs.1800 to the respective Zonal Railway Headquarters.

12. Headquarters/Outstation Rest of the Running Staff – AIRF strongly protested the unilateral withdrawal of the decision, arrived at after prolonged discussions in the PNM Meeting of AIRF with the Railway Board, without any consultation with the Federation. The Member Staff mentioned that, the compelling situation in detail will be provided to the Federation(AIRF), however, the matter will be looked into.

Source: AIRF
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