Combined Duty Allowance to single Handed BPM who are performing Mail Carrier and Mail delivery Works | AIGDSU

Combined Duty Allowance to single Handed BPM who are performing Mail Carrier and Mail delivery Works | AIGDSU

Combined Duty Allowance to single Handed BPM who are performing Mail Carrier and Mail delivery Works

Letter No.GDS/JCA/6/2/2018
Dated 12-12-2018

Shri P.K.Bishoy
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi – 110 001

Subject: Combined Duty Allowance to single Handed BPM who are performing Mail Carrier and Mail delivery Works.

Ref: Directorate Order No.17-31/2016-GDS dated 25.06.2018


This Union is very much constrained to bring in your kind notice above subject, while going through the orders issuesd on recommendations of the GDS committee, it is observed on page 6 of above referred to orders regarding existing and revised allowances in Annexure-I that the combined Duty Allowance will be for combination of duties of two or more posts borne on the establishment of the office. It clearly indicates that this allowance is not meant for the office having one post on the establishment i.e. single handed BO.

Before this revision in rates, the single handed BPM was being paid allowance of Rs.250/- for delivery of BO village only and Rs.500/- for more than one village and for conveying the bag from bus or railway station to BO Rs.250/- and in other case Rs.500/- per month.

Now,due to revised rates, the single Handed BPM will earn only TRCA and no allowance for the work in addition to the BPM’s work like delivery of mails and conveyance/exchange of mails. The TRCA is prescribed for the work load arrived after reckoning the average work load of all items. The Single Handed BPM will have no compensation for the work which would have been carried on by ABPM had there such post. The BPM post crated basis on BPM works only. It is therefore necessary to compensate the single Handed BPM by providing allowance for the work other than the bonefide work of BPM exclusively.
You are, therefore, requested kindly to do justice and relief to them.

Yours faithfully,

General secretary

General Secretary


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