Pensioner who is residing abroad, how can submit the Life Certificate?

Pensioner who is residing abroad, how can submit the Life Certificate?


Payment of Pensions to Central Government and State Government Pensioners through Centralized Pension Processing Cell (CPPC)

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

26. What is the procedure for the pension payment to NRI pensioner? 
Ans: NRI Pensioner needs to submit a declaration at the pension paying branch that he/she is an NRI. On the basis of declaration the existing account will be converted into a Non Resident – Ordinary (NRO) account ( a type of account for NRI) and NRI pensioner need to send a life certificate every year in the month of November to his/her pension paying branch.

27. Pensioner who is residing abroad, how can submit the Life Certificate? 
Ans: In the case of pensioner residing abroad and drawing his pension through any bank included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India, Act, 1934, the life certificate may be signed by an officer of the Bank.

Further, a pensioner not resident in India in respect of whom his duly authorized agent produces a Life Certificate signed by a Magistrate, a Notary, a Banker or a Diplomatic Representative of India is exempted from special appearance.

28. Who is the pension sanctioning authority?
Ans: The Ministry/Department/Office where the Government servant last served is the pension sanctioning authority. The pension fixation is made by such authority for the first time and thereafter the re-fixation of pay, if any, is done by the pension paying Bank based on the instructions from the Central/ State Government authorities.

29. Who sends the Pension Payment Orders (PPOs) to the authorized Bank? 
Ans: The concerned pension paying/sanctioning authorities of the Ministries/ Departments/State Governments forward the PPOs to the Bank where from the pensioner desires to draw his/her pension.

30. When will the payment of pension commence in case of new PPOs?
Ans: The payment of pension, in respect of PPOs received at Centralized Pension Processing Cell (CPPC) up to one week before last date of a month, will normally commence from the same month.


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