Summary of Bank Bipartite meeting on 12th October 2018

Summary of Bank Bipartite meeting on 12th October 2018

No such breakthrough as expected did happen in the meeting between Bank Unions and IBA.

In today’s discussion, Union reiterated that offer of 6% increase should be substantially improved.

Performance linked pay should be delinked from age revision. IBA repeated their proposal that wage increase should linked to paying capacity.

Unions rejected IBA’s proposal and informed that if IBA does not change their stand, it will lead to confrontation and agitation.


*In today’s discussion with IBA*
UFBU reiterated

1. Their offer of 6% should be substantially improved.
2. Performance Linked Pay should be delinked from wage revision.
3. Resolution of mandate issue.

IBA repeated their proposal that wage increase should linked to paying capacity.
We have rejected and informed that if
IBA does not change their stand
it will lead to Confrontation and Agitation.
Circular follows.

SK Bandlish ,
Convenor/ UFBU


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