Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) - Categorization of Disability Pension

Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) - Categorization of Disability Pension

Personnel Below Officer Rank Categorization of Disability Pension : Regular Army/Air Force/Navy/DSC

Categorization of Disability Pension
For determining the Pensionary benefits the circumstances to decide the attributability/aggravation have been categorised as under :-

Category "A"
Death or disability due to natural causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service, such as constitutional diseases, chromic ailments, prolonged illness while not on duty.

Category "B"
Death or disability due to causes which are accepted as attributable to/ aggravated by military service such as diseases contracted because of continued exposure to hostile work environment subject to extreme weather conditions or occupational hazards.

Category "C"
Death or disability due to accidents while performing duty, such as,

Accidents while traveling on duty in Government/public /private vehicles or during air journey or mishap at sea.
Electrocution while on duty.
Accidents during participation in organized sports events/ adventures activities/expeditions/training

Category "D"
Death or disability due to acts of violence/attack by extremists , anti social elements, whether on duty or even when not on duty, bomb blasts in public places or transport or disability occurring while employed in aid of civil power in dealing with natural calamity.

Death or disability arising as a result of- (wef-03.02.2011)
Unintentional killing by own troops during the course of duty in an operational area
Electrocution/attacks by wild animals and snake bite/drowning during course of action in counter insurgency/war.
(iii) Accidental death/injury sustained due to natural calamities such as flood, avalanches, landslides, cyclone, fire and lightening or drowning in river while performing operational duties/movement in action against enemy forces and armed hostilities in operational area to include deployment on international border of line of control.

Category "E"
Death or disability arising as a result of poisoning of water by enemy agents while deployed in operational area in active hostilities:

1.enemy action in international war, action during peace keeping mission abroad, border skirmishes.

2.during laying/clearance of mines, accidental explosions of mines.

3.war like situations, including cases which are attributable to / aggravated by:-
extremist acts, exploding mines, etc while on way to operational area.
battle inoculation training exercises, or demonstration with live ammunition.
flying operation involved in rehearsing of war plans and implementation of OP instructions inclusive of international war.
All combat and Tactical sorties in preparation of war.
kidnapping by extremist while on operational duty. act of violence/attack by extremists and antisocial elements etc. while on operational duty or while employed in aid of civil power in quelling agitation, riots or revolts by the demonstrators.

5.operations specially notified by Government from time to time.

6.Death or disability arising as a result of poisioning of water by enemy agents while deployed in operational area in active hostilities. (wef-03.02.1011)



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