Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) - Disability Element on Retirement/Discharge

Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) - Disability Element on Retirement/Discharge

Personnel Below Officer Rank Disability Element on Retirement/Discharge : Regular Army/Air Force/Navy/DSC

Disability Element on Retirement/Discharge
Where an Armed Forces personnel is retained in service despite disability and subsequently retired/ discharged on completion of tenure or on attaining the age of retirement, he shall be entitled to D.E at the rate prescribed for 100% disablement. For disablement less than 100% but not below 20%, the rates shall be reduced proportionately. No disability element shall be payable for disability less than 20% .

Untenable Claims For Disability Pension
when personnel seeks voluntary retirement /discharge at his own request, except the voluntary retirement within one year of date of discharge/retirement for the purpose of gaining higher commuted value. However this claus has been with drawn wef 1.1.06.

When a personnel is dismissed being undesirable soldier on administrative/disciplinary grounds.
In the cases where disability is neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service.

Disability accepted less than 20% in normal discharge cases (other than Invalidment)

Disability pension on Voluntary retirement
Armed forces personnel who are retained in service in despite of disability, which is accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service and have forgone lump-sum compensation in lieu of that retirement / discharge from service on or after 01.01.2006 whether voluntary or other wise in addition to retiring / service pension or retiring / service gratuity.



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