Unsettled 6th CPC Anomalies - Refer to Arbitrator Comments
Proposal of the Staff Side to record disagreement of unsettled 6th CPC anomalies and to refer the same to Arbitrator Comments
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Dlehi
Dated: 02.02.2018
Office Memorandum
Sub: Proposal of the Staff Side to record disagreement of unsettled 6th CPC anomalies and to refer the same to Arbitrator Comments, regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to JCA Section’s OM No. 11/1/2015-JCA dated 29.11.2017 and OM No. 3/3/2016-JCA dated 18.01.2018 on the above mentioned subject. With regard to request of JCA Section to discuss the issue with Staff Side. It is stated that it is not known on which issue Staff-Side desires to discuss the issue. Since the MACP Scheme is very complex, it would be appropriate that the matter may be discussed in the JCM meeting itself. However, latest status on the issue raised by Staff Side in the Standing Committee meeting held on 27.07.2012, 25.10.2016 and 03.05.2017 are furnished as under:-
Follow up action
Latest Status
Grant of MACP in the promotional
Staff side was informed that it
was not possible to
agree to the demand. Demand for allowing individual option for either ACPS or MACPS was also not agreed to. |
No, action is required
Matter is sub-judice before
Hon’ble Supreme Court.
Date of effect of MACP Scheme
Staff side was advised to
reconsider their demand
for making MACPS effective from 01.01.2006. |
No action.
No action
Counting of 50% of service
rendered by Temporary
Status Casual Labour for reckoning 10/20/30 years under MACP Scheme that post. |
It was decided that this issue may
be taken up by
the staff side in the National Council separately. |
No action is required
Stepping up of pay of senior
incumbents at par with
junior incumbents as a consequence of ACP/MACPS. |
Official side states that steeping
up of pay in the
pay band or grade pay w.r.to junior getting more pay than the senior on account of pay fixation under the MACP Scheme can be considered as a special dispensation and suitable clarificatory instructions will be considered. |
1. Instructions
in this regard have been issued vide OM dated
2. On
a reference from Ministry of Railways, the issue was
considered, wherein it was categorically stated that the anomaly in Accounts Cadre of Railways cannot be attributed to ACP/MACP Schemes, but due to facility cadre structure. |
7th CPC has
recommended in Para 11.40.81
for stepping up of pay in circumstantial ground prevalent in M/o Railways.
On the proposal of M/o Railways
for accepting this
recommendation of 7th CPC, file has been referred to D/o Expenditure for approval |
Benchmark for MACP
Suitable instructions to be issued
that wherever
promotions are given on non selection basis (seniority-cum-fitness) the prescribed benchmark as mentioned in para 17 of Annexure 1 of MACPS dated 19.05.2009 will not be applicable and the benchmark for promotion will apply for the purpose of MACPS. |
Instructions in this regard have
been issued vide OM
dated 04.12.2012 |
As per recommendations of 7th CPC,
for MACP has been enhanced to Very Good for all the posts vide OM dated 28.09.2016 |
Grant of ACP benefit to Artisan
Staff of Ministry of
Defence. |
Official side informed that the
matter has already
been examined and it is not amenable so acceptance. |
The matter has been again examined
on a reference
from M/o Defence. |
The matter has been closed in the
meeting of
Standing Committee held on 03.05.2017. |
Issues already resolved and hence
Multiple issues
No action.
Employees who got one promotion
prior to 01.09.2008
and completed over two decades of service without benefit of promotion and are denied third MACPs. |
Official side has stated that this
is a peculiar
situtation and agreed to consider this issue on the basis of a reference to be made by the Ministry of Railways. |
On a reference from M/o Railways
the issue was
examined in consultation with the D/o Expenditure and the proposal was not agreed to. |
No action.
Follow up
action on the meeting of Standing Committee held on 25.10.2016 under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on the issues relating to MACPS
Follow up action
Ensuring Five Promotions in the
Service Career and
Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy. |
It was observed by Secretary (P)
that the reason
behind delay in promotion was also due to delay in completion and implementation of cadre review report and instructions would be issued to speed up cadre review. |
Action required from CRD Division.
With regard to other demand i.e.
grant of MACP in
promotional hierachy, it is stated that if MACP will be granted in the promotional hierarchy, it will give rise to uneven benefit to employees falling in the same pay scale since several organizations adopted different hierarchical pattern. Consequently employees working in organizations having greater number of intermediate greater number of intermediate grades will suffer because financial upgradation under MACPS will place them in lower pay scale vis-à-vis similarly placed employees in another organization that had lesser intermediary grades.
Further, 7th CPC
has also recommended
that MACP will continue to be administered in the hierarchy of level in the Pay Matrix |
Grant of 3rdMACP in GP
Rs. 4600/- to the
Master Craftsman (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- as on 31.12.2005. |
Joint Secretary (Estt.). DoP&T
informed that the
issued would be re-examined. |
Formal proposal of M/o Defence has
been received. The
matter was discussed with the representatives of M/o Defence twice i.e. on 19.01.2016 and 26.01.2016. The issue will be referred to D/o Expenditure for reconsideration of their earlier advice. |
Withdraw the stringent conditions
unilaterally imposed
by Government for grant of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) in promotion and grant MACP on promotional. |
Staff Side demand that Government
should either make
MACP promotional hierarchy centric or they should not make it conditional..
Secretary (Estt.). DoP&T explained that the principle stil remains the same as for promotion also, the benchmark is “Very Good”. |
No action is required.
Follow up
action on the meeting of Standing
Committee held on 03.05.2017 under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on the issues relating to MACPS
Committee held on 03.05.2017 under the
Chairmanship of Secretary (P) on the issues relating to MACPS
Comments of Establishment Division
Ensuring Five promotions in the
Service Career
It was informed that when this
anomaly was earlier
pointed out to the Joint Committee it was promised that this would be reconsidered and rectified. They suggested that if the MACP scheme was considered more beneficial the employee should be given option to choose whether be wants ACP Scheme of MACP scheme. The Chairman desired to know if there was any pay commission recommendation on this issue, on which he was informed that there was not.
It was decided that the
Establishment Division would
examine the issue further. |
It is stated that if MACP will be
granted in the
promotional hierarchy it will give rise to uneven benefit to employees falling in the same pay scale since several organizations adopted different hierarchical pattern. Consequently employees working in organizations having greater number of intermediate grades will suffer because financial upgradation under MACPS will place them in lower pay scale vis-à-vis similarly placed employees in another organization that had lesser intermediary grades.
Further, 7th CPC
has also recommended
that MACP will continue to be administered in the hierarchy of levels in the Pay Matrix. |
Grant of 3rdMACP in GP
Rs. 4600 to the
Master Craftsmen (MCM) of Defence Ministry who were holding the post of MCM in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000 as on 31/12/2005 |
Establishment Division had through
their letter
dated 09.02.2017 informed that a formal proposal of M/o Defence had been received. The matter was discussed with the representatives of M/o Defence twice i.e. on 19.01.2016, and 26.01.2016. The issue will be referred to D/o Expenditure for reconsideration of their earlier advice.
The Staff-Side expressed
satisfaction with the
action taken. It was decided that the item may be closed. |
No action.
Withdraw the stringent conditions
imposed by Government on grant of Modified Career Progression (MACP) in promotions and grant of MACP on promotional hierarchy. |
JS (Admn and JCA) informed that
ever since the
introduction of disclosure of APARs, the number of employees getting higher level of gradings may rise. Proposal needed to be evidence based. It was decided that the Ministry of Railways may provide data on the trend of recorded gradings of APARS. |
Though the matter assigned to M/o
Railways, however,
it is stated that the issue of enhancing the benchmark for promotion is under active consideration of the Government and the modalities decided in the matter of promotion will be made applicable in the case of MACP. |
2. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Establishment).
(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Section Officer
Ph.No. 23040398
Source: Confederation