Minimum Guaranteed Pension under National Pension System (NPS) – BPMS

Minimum Guaranteed Pension under National Pension System (NPS) – BPMS
REF: BPMS/17th TC/NPS/Cir/33
Dated: 31.03.2018

The Office Bearers and CEC Members
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
The President/ General Secretary
Unions affiliated to the federation

Subject: One day Agitational Programme on 24.04.2018 on Minimum Guaranteed Pension under National Pension System (NPS).

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sadar Namaskar
It is hoped that all of you are well and busy in accelerating trade union activities. As all of you know that the Central Executive Committee Meeting of this federation was held on 26, 27 and 28 March 2018 in Dehu Road, Pune where it was decided to hold one day agitational programme on 24.04.2018 on Minimum Guaranteed Pension under National Pension System (NPS).

A resolution to this effect was also passed in the CEC Meeting held at Hyderabad during September 2015 and subsequently several correspondence were made. However, in spite of lapse of such a large time, no tangible action has been seen from the Govt side on the issue.

Therefore, in absence of any concrete step from the Govt side on the issue it becomes necessary to register our displeasure over the lethargic attitude of the Government and register our protest to constrain the machinery to redress the Grievance.

Hence, you are requested to hold one day agitation programme on 24.04.2018 using all feasible and effective trade union instruments like Gate Meeting, Use of Black Badges, Slogan Shouting, publicizing of programme at humongous level through posters/ hoardings/ banners/ pamphlets/ social media so that the issue may be resolved at the earliest. Further, you are requested to submit a memorandum addressed to Prime Minister of India through proper channel on 24.04.2018.

With regards,

Brotherly yours

General Secretary

Source: BPMS


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