Maximum Age Limit for Deputation Appointment
Maximum Age Limit for Deputation Appointment
Maximum age limit in case of appointment by deputation/deputation (including short term contract)
Government India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G.& Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Date: 5th February, 2018
Sub:- Maximum age limit in case of appointment by deputation/deputation (including short term contract).
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s 0M No.AB-14017/48/92-Estt (RR) dated 17th November, 1992 on the subject mentioned above. The RecruitmcnL Rules in respect of a number of posts provide for appointment by the method or deputation/deputation (including short term contract). As per existing instructions, the maximum age limit for appointment on deputation/deputation (including short term contract) is ‘not exceeding fifty six years’ on the closing date of receipt application. In recent past, this Department has received several requests for revision the maximum age limit for appointment on dcputation\deputation (including short term contract) basis.
2. The matter has, therefore, been examined in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission. Keeping in view the fact that gaining experience in analogous posts at SAG and above levels take time, the limited number officers available at these levels and to tap the talent/service of officers who have rich domain experience, it has been decided that the following age limit Shall be prescribed for appointment on deputation/deputation (including short term contract) basis:-
(i) For posts in the SAG level and above (i.e.14 Level-14 of the Pay Matrix and above):-
‘Not exceeding fifty eight years’ on the closing date of reccipt of application.
(ii) For posts below the SAG level (below level-14 of the Pay Matrix):-
‘Not exceeding fifty six years’ on the closing date of receipt of application.
3. Administrative Ministries are requested to take necessary action for amendment of Recruitment Rules/Service Rules to incorporate the revised age limit for deputation/deputalion (Including short term contract) for posts of the level of SAG and above.
(Shukdeo Sah)
Under Secretary to the Government of India