Loco running staff as on April 2017 is 87196
Loco running staff as on April 2017 is 87196
Loco running staff
As on 01.04.2017, over Zonal Railways, total number of employed staff in loco running category is 87196.
As per the provision of the Railways Act, 1989 and the Railway Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005, Loco running staff on the Railways are classified as ‘Continuous’ and as such, their rostered hours of work is 54 hours a week on an average in a two-weekly period of 14 days.
After the Seventh CPC (Central Pay Commission) recommendations, the basic pay of the non-running staff has been increased by a multiplication factor of 2.57 with effect from 01.01.2016 and then fixed in the appropriate cell of the relevant Level in the Seventh CPC pay matrix, while for the running staff the multiplication factor of 2.945 was used. Further, the actual raise in the pay of the running staff has been ensured at a minimum of 14.29 percent with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) concurrence. This has resulted in an effective multiplication factor of around 3.01 for Running Staff. The running staff also get allowances like Dearness Allowance and House Rent Allowance on the basic pay enhanced by 30%.
This was stated by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Rajen Gohain in a written reply to a question in the Parliament on 9.2.2018.