Struggle Committee of Defence Civilian Employees to Save Defence Industry

Struggle Committee of Defence Civilian Employees to Save Defence Industry


Date: 01st February, 2018

All the affiliated Unions of AIDEF, INDWF and BPMS

Make the Delhi demonstrations on 15.02.2018 a grand success.

At the outset we congratulate the affiliated Unions of the three Federations and the other Unions and Associations and the entire Defence Civilian Employees for effectively observing “Defence Industry Protection on Week” from 08.01.2018 to 12.01.2018. We are also happy to know that after the above programme the Unions are continuing their propaganda and compaigning against the retrograde policy decisions being taken by the Government against the interest of Defence Industry and its Employees. As per the decision already taken we have to successfully organize the Massive Demonstration at Delhi on 15.02.2018. We have already applied for permission with the Police Authorities for holding the demonstration at Parliament Street, New Delhi. We request the Unions in and around Delhi and nearby States to organize in large number for the demonstration. Unions from other places may also take efforts to mobilize the maximum number of Employees for the demonstration. The demonstration will start at 9.30 AM and concluded by 14.00 hrs.

Strike Ballot to be taken by affiliated Unions of 5 OEF Group of Factories, 8 ABWs, 14 Station Workshops, 39 Military Farms, 4 Depots and MES

As decided jointly by the three Federations the above Establishments have to observe “One Day Call Attention Strike” on 15th March, 2018. For this purpose all the affiliated Unions functioning in these units have to take Strike Ballot as per the schedule given below:

a) 21.02.2018 - Strike Ballot by AIDEF Unions
b) 22.02.2018 - Strike Ballot by INDWF Unions
c) 23.02.2018 - Strike Ballot by BPMS Unions

Other Unions in your area / Unit may take Strike Ballots on 19th or 20th of February, 2018 according to local convenience. The following will be the demands for the Strike and the Strike Ballot.
a) To withdraw the decision taken by Ministry of Defence to declare the products being manufactured in the Ordnance Factories as “Non-Core” and to outsource the same.

b) To withdraw the Government Orders for granting Rs. 10,000/- as Uniform Allowance in place of stitched uniforms affecting the 5 OEF Group of Factories and its nearly 10,000 Employees including almost 2000 Women Employees. The decision to further declare 39 itmes of OEF Group of Factories including Army Logo Uniform and Parachutes etc. as “Non-Core” itmes inspite of the commitment given by DDP may be withdrawn.

c) To withdraw the decision to close down 14 Station Workshops under EME and convert Army Base Workshops into GOCO Model.

d) To withdraw the decision to close down 4 Depots under DGOS and 39 Military Farms.

e) To withdraw the decision of declaring more than 31000 Defence Civilian Employees of Army Units Surplus including in MES.

f) Stop outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs in MES and fillup all the vacant posts.

The affiliated Unions may keep informed their respective Federations about the result of the Strike Ballot. The Model Strike Notice etc. will be forwarded to all the Unions separately.

The three Federations once again appeal to all the Unions and Associations to remain united and continue the compaigning programmes and also to carry forward the struggle till we achieve our goal of saving the Defence Industry from the present crisis.

   (C.SRIKUMAR)     (R.SRINIVASAN)         (M.P.SINGH)

Source: INDWF


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