CGHS Orders: Temporary Family Permits on Transfer of Employees - No.S-12018/6/79-CGHS(P) dt.5/1/1985

CGHS Orders: Temporary Family Permits on Transfer of Employees - No.S-12018/6/79-CGHS(P) dt.5/1/1985

Text of MH & FW. O.M No. S-12018/6/79-CGHS (P) dt. 5/1/1985

Issue of Temporary Family Permits on Transfer of  Employees.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry O.M. No. 4(1)-17/62-H.II dated 17/9/1962 on the subject cited and to clarify that temporary family permits can be issued to families of Central Government employees (including eligible parents) in those cases only which a Central Government employees already availing the CGHS facilities is transferred to Station where CGHS is in operation. 

In case of transfer of Central Government employees to a station where CGHS is not in operation, temporary family permits can not be issued to the family of Central Government employee even if the family continue to stay in an area covered under the Scheme and he/she and his/her family in such cases will be governed by CS (MA) Rules, 1944.



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