Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Central Civil Pensioners – MoD Orders dt. 22.11.2017

Revision of Pension of Pre-2016 Central Civil Pensioners – MoD Orders dt. 22.11.2017

Review of the progress made by Defence Establishments revision of Pension/Family Pension of pre-2016 Central Civil Pensioners

Office of the Controller General Of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road palam Delhi Cantt.-110010

Fax: 011-25574814 Phone : 011-25665529 Regd Fax.

Dated: 22.11.2017

Sub: Review of the progress made by Defence Establishments revision of Pension/Family Pension of pre-2016 Central Civil Pensioners.

A review meeting was held on November 2017 under chairmanship of Defence regarding subject mentioned wherein following decisions were taken:

i. All HoDs have to ensure completion of 80% Of pension cases by 31.12.2017 and 100% cases by 31.0320 18.

ii) HoDs shall prescribc weekly targets for the HOOs for preparation and submission or pension revision cases to PCsDA/PCA(Fys)/CsDA. Similar targets are to be prescribed by CGDA to the PCsDA/CsDA for disposal of cases received from the HOOs. The progress made thereof to be reviewed by HoDs/CGDA every fortnight.

iii. FADS will assess the functioning of the office of the PCDA (Pension), Allahabad in so far as it relates to dealing of pension revision cases and take steps for improving its capacity to handle higher volumes of cases.

iv. CGDA to issue clarification to PCsDA/PCA(Fys)/CsDA about their role in vetting/scrutiny/audit of the LPC-Cum-Data Sheet, prescribe checklist of documents/action required with proposals received from HOOs, and specify the stepwise action( with timelines).

3.  In this context, please rcfer to PCDA Circular NO.175 Vide which action regarding vetting & submission of LPC Cum Data Sheet has already been clarified by PCDA (P) Allahabad.

4. Action may kindly be taken to complete the task within stipulated period of time as per direction received from MoD.

Jt.CGDA (Pen.) has seen.

Krishna Kumar


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