Payment of Allowances and Arrears to KV Employees – KVS Orders dt.15.11.2017

Payment of Allowances as per 7th CPC Recommendations and Instructions on Arrears to KV Staff – KVS Orders dt.15.11.2017
F.N0. 110239/02/2016/KVS(Budget)
Date: 15.11.2017
The Dy. Commissioner/Director,
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan,
All Regional Offices/ZIETS

Sub: Payment of Allowances as per the recommendations of 7th CPC - reg:

This has a reference to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan HQ’s letter No.11015-3/2017-KVS dated 03.11.2017 Vide which approval of Competent Authority for drawal of revised allowances as per
the recommendations of 7th CPC in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was conveyed to all units of Kendriya Vidylaya Sangathan.

However it is further informed that the revised allowances as per the recommendations of 7th CPC may be drawn from November, 2017 onwards. Arrears of allowances for the period from 1st July, 2017 to 31st October, 2017 may not be drawn at present until further orders from KVS (HQ).

Yours faithfully,
Deputy Commssioner (Fin.)


Click to view the order

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