Pay Revision of KV Employees – KVS Orders on 3.11.2017

Pay Revision of KV Employees – KVS Orders on 3.11.2017

Pay revision of employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in terms of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay), Rules, 2016-Reg.


F.11015-3/2017-KVS (Admn-I)/VolII
Date: 03.11.2017
The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional Offices

Sub: Pay revision of employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan in terms of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay), Rules, 2016-Reg.

In continuation to KVS circular of even number dated 03.08.2017. I am directed to refer to MHRD’s letter No. F. 3-14/2017-UT.2 dated 31.10.2017 and to convey the approval of the Govt. of India for implementation of revised allowances based on the recommendations of the 7th CPC in KVS. The MHRD has agreed for additional funds to the extent of implementation of revised allowances in terms of Department of Expenditure (MoF) O.M.F. No. 1/1/2016-E.III(A) dated 26.07.2017.

It is further clarified that Department of Expenditure (MoF) O.M.F. No. 1/1/2016-E.III(A) dated 13.01.2017 is applicable only in case of pay scales and not in case of pension as such additional funds for the purpose of pension may not be allowed while implementing the revised pay scale and allowances in KVS.

Copies of Department of Expenditure (MoF) OM’s dated 13.01.2017 and 26.07.2017 ibid are enclosed.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr.E. Prabhakar)
Joint Commissioner (Pers.)

Click to view the OM ANN(1)-03-11-2017

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