Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor - NFIR

Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor - NFIR

Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor of Workshop/PUs in respect of staff governed under CRJ Pattern/GIS.


New Delhi, dated: 05/09/2017
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi – 110055.

Sub: Revision of hourly rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factor of Workshop/PUs in respect of staff governed under CRJ Pattern/GIS.

Please refer to your letter Nos. I/11/1 dated 08.08.2017 and dated 24.08.2017 wherein it has been brought to notice that in order dated 06.07.2017, in terms of reference the committee to examine the issue related to revision of hourly,rates of Incentive Bonus and Bonus Factors of Workshops/PUs under CRJ Pattern/GIS, level in the pay matrix and name of certain categories are not in order. In this context, it is stated that this has been taken on record and necessary rectification shall be done as under in para 2 of the order dated 06.07.2017 when Committee meets:

Item No. / Name of the Category / Level in Pay Matrix
1 / Sr. Technician / Level 6
2 / Technician-I / Level 4

For Secretary, Railway Board

Source : NFIR

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