Payment of Bonus to Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments for the year 2016-17 – Orders issued
Payment of Bonus to Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments for the year 2016-17 – Orders issued
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 13.09.2017
The Chairman,Ordnance Factory Board,
10-A, S.K.Bose Road,
Kokkata – 700 001
New Delhi
1. The Director General of Quality Assurance,
New Delhi.
2. The Director General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance,
New Delhi.
Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for Civilian Employees of Defence Production Establishments for the year 2016-2017.
I am directed to refer to this Ministry ‘s letter No.F.48(4)/98/I(B&C) dated 27th July,2000 on the above subject and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2016-17 40 days wages to the eligible civilian employees of Defence Production Establishments as mentioned therein with an overall of wages of Rs.7000/- per month.
2. The casual labour who has worked for at least 240 days, in each year, for 03 years or more, will be eligible for this PLB payment. The amount will be paid on a notional monthly wages of Rs.750/-. In case where the actual emoluments fall below Rs.750/- per month, the amount will be calculated on actual monthly emoluments. All payments under these orders will be rounded off to the nearest rupee.
The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2016-2017 in accordance with the agreed formula.
Click to read complete order