Representation from Government servant on service matters - CGDA

Representation from Government servant on service matters-reg.

Office of the Controller of General of Accounts
Ulan Batar Raod, Palam, Delhi Cant-110010

All Pr.Controllers/Controllers

Subject: Representation from Government servant on service matters-reg.
Reference: This HQrs letter bearing No.AN/XIII/13700(435)/2015 dated 02.09.2015.

It has been observed that certain servants are representing directly or through their relatives etc. on service matters to the Prime Minister, Minister, Secretary and other higher authorities.

2. As existing instructions, wherever, in any matter connected with his service rights or conditions, a Government wishes to press a claim or to seek redressal of a grievance, the proper course for him is to address his immediate official superior, or Head of his office, or such other authority at the appropriate level who is competent to deal with the matter in the organization. Suitable guidelines in the matter have already been issued vide HQrs Office letter cited under reference. (Copy attached).

3. Therefore, it is reiterated that as DOP&T 0M bearing  F.No.11013/08/2013-Estt.(A-III) dated “Such submission of representations directly to other authorities by-passing the prescribed channel of communication, has to be viewed seriously and appropriate disciplinary action should be taken against those who violate these instructions. This can rightly be treated as an unbecoming conduct attracting the provisions of Rule 3(1) (iii) of the  CCS (Conduct) Rules,1964. It is clarified that this would include all forms of communication including through e-mails or public grievances portal etc.”

4. In view of above all concerned authorities are requested to bring the existing instructions/rules to the notice of all concerned for compliance.

This issues with the approved of Lhc CVO.

(Brij Kishore)


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