Incorrect fixation of pay in the Non-Functional Grade (GP 4200/-) in the case of Pharmacist
Incorrect fixation of pay in the Non-Functional Grade (GP 4200/-) in the case of Pharmacist working in the Medical Department on Indian Railways
No.1/2/Part IV
Dated: 05/06/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Baoard,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Incorrect fixation of pay in the Non-Functional Grade (GP 4200/-) in the case of Pharmacist working in the Medical Department on Indian Railways-reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s clarification vide No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 20/04/2011.
Representations are being received from the staff that the Zonal Units have been interpreting wrongly the Board’s instructions on the subject of pay fixation when the staff working as Pharmacists are placed in NFG (GP 4200/-) on completion of 2 years service in GP 2800/- i.e. in the entry grade.
In this connection, Federation cite the instructions issued by the CPO/Southern Railway vide letter dated 15/05/2017 (copy enclosed) wherein the Divisions have been advised to the placement of
Pharmacist in NFG (GP 4200/-) as placement only and to fix their pay in the initial Pay Band plus Grade Pay (PB-2 + GP 4200/-) only. This action on the part of Southenl Railway is unjustified in view of the fact that instructions exist vide Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 20/04/2011 to treat the placement of Pharmacist on completion of 2 years in the entry grade pay (GP 2800/-) to NFG/GP 4200/- as one financial upgradation, therefore the Pharmacists are entitled for one increment benefit on being placed in GP 4200/-.
While issuing instructions vide letter dated 15/05/2017, the CPO/Southern Railway has wrongly relied on Board’s instructions contained in RBE 109/2010 dated inspite of Board’s clarification vide letter dated 20/04/2011. Due to wrong decision of Southern Railway, recoveries have started on the Divisions of Southern Railway.
NFIR. therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue immediate clarification to all Zonal Railways etc., in general and GM/Southern Railway in particular to allow 3% increase in pay fixation of Pharmacists when they are placed in GP 4200/-, having completed 2 years service in GP 2800 (PB I). A copy of the instructions issued may be to the endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR