Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC Anomalies for consideration in the Departmental Anomaly Committee

Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC Anomalies for consideration in the Departmental Anomaly Committee

New Delhi, dated: 25/05/2017
The General Secretary,
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055

The General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen,
3 Chemsford Road,
New Delhi – 110055

Dear Sirs,
Sub:- Extension of time limit for forwarding of 7th CPC Anomalies for consideration in the Departmental Anomaly Committee – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that in partial modification of this Ministry’s letter of even no. dated 05.10.2016, the time limits for receipt and disposal of anomalies, as mentioned in paragraph 4 of the letter are amended as under

(i) The time limit for receipt of anomalies is extended by three months from the date of expiry of receiving anomalies: i.e. from 04.04.2017 to 04.07.2017; and

(ii) The time limit for disposal of anomalies is extended by three months from the date of expiry of one year for the date of expiry of one year from the date of its constitution i.e. from 04.10.2017 to 04.01.2018.

Yours faithfully,
For Secretary, Railway Board

Source : NFIR


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